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Everything posted by NewBorn

  1. you think you're smart? all I see is a little kid screaming for attention, all though whatever you want to think? then go think it, now please do me a favour and swiftly take your business else where.
  2. haha get bent, nice attuiude mr mod, but not scared or concerned!
  5. Ign: MiningPro Age: 21 Location: Scotland Why Would You Like To Join: I have been looking for this kind of server for a really long time so you should accept me so I can father the server you know cause I am old and that.. haha How Much Experience Have You Got In AOTBT: I would say some.. I have not found a decent server to really be interested in learning tons of mods but I pretty good (: What Mod Are You Best At: Hmm this is tricky, since I have not really went to deep with them, but I love my minions ;D Skype:george_liddell
  6. Minecraft Username: MiningPro Age: 21 Are you a YouTuber? Not really, all though I have the stuff to start youtube if I really wanted If yes, how many subs? Are you willing to donate? (doesn't effect your chances, just curious) Yes, if it works out How much experience do you have with this mod pack? around 5/10 not really got into all mods yet What type of player are you? (Builder, Redstoner, Explorer) explorer Dolphins or Dinosaurs? DINOSAURS
  7. don't play this server total abusive owner haha.
  8. Ign: MningPro Age: 21 Location: UK Why Would You Like To Join: I love attack of the b team How Much Experience Have You Got In AOTBT: quite abit. What Mod Are You Best At: all Skype:
  9. IGN: MiningPro Age: 21 Location:(You Dont Have To Share If Don't Want To) UK Why Would You Like To Join: I LOVE ATTACK OF THE B TEAM How Much Experience Have You Got In AOTBT: ALOT What Mod Are You Best At: all Skype:(If You Have It) george_liddell
  10. Real name : George (I don't feel good about sending my second name to a bunch of people on this forum I don't know) but you may ask me on skype Skype : (my skype is my real name so.. PM ME FOR MY SKYPE) Ign : GlitchyCreeper23 Age : 21 Timezone : Gmt Why I want to apply: I am basically trying to find a good little server that I can build my evil lair!
  11. I have played many servers, I hate plugins in general... not just on attack of the b team but in all mod packs, PVP/RAIDING SERVER etc.. no daft plugins just straight attack of the b team, trust me I have opened a few servers in my time, and played many.. I know what I am talking about... plugins just ruin it for some people.
  12. I wouldn't add plugins, it ruins it, I can understand basic plugins to help admins monitor the server, but personally I have found pure attack of the b team server.. better.
  13. I know this, and have looked through ever page, nothing.
  14. What i mean by pure is.. it's just attack of the B team... no mods removed, no plugins, just straight up attack of the b team.
  15. I was thinking about getting a server host and just have just hexxit, so pretty much vanilla hexxit.. if that makes sense... no plugins no bullcrap, just simple good old hexxit, no plugins....so pretty much an anarchy, but of course the rules are just plane and simple common sense, like no hacks, cheats etc, aside from that it should be good, there's a few items that could be banned that are mostly banned on this server, only items that will be banned are just the items that can DUPE... what is only 2 items, aside from that all mods will be on the server, just need to know if anyone would join.
  16. make it an anarchy server, and ill love you forever.
  17. heres ip.
  18. having issues with getting voltz up on the host, if someone can help me out, then it will be faster.
  19. well it's not really a let's play, no speaking or mic required, we just play against each other. I am having issues getting the voltz server running though
  20. ok so when I start up server it works, all normal items work, but items that come with the mods, just give me the error... "there is no such ID"
  21. so I get bored, and thought hey why not do something like the yogscast... play volts and be ravels.. I have a server so no big deal
  22. thats why you play my server, hosted with a dedi gb ram it never goesdown no banned items ;p
  23. so I have a dedi server, started tekkit up all loaded fine, it says the server is up but when I try to connect to it it doesn't connect, I used the dedi's ip no idea what I'm doing wrong.
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