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Everything posted by Jorcer

  1. I don't actually know, however I feel 99.999999% sure that it would not be possible. The Hack/Mine pack modifies more than just mobs, it modifies the hp and hunger system along with world generation and the map plus hundreds of other things. So no... I am sure that there are other mods that could achieve what you are looking to do.
  2. This actually looks like it could be a pretty cool game Also, who are the eight people that had 20,000$ sitting around!?
  3. I have no issues with abbreviations, but only in certain situations. What really pushes my buttons is when people say LOL, BRB in conversation. It serves no purpose and doesn't even save time/letters. On a side note, who decided that light should be spelt Lite? I can just immagine a commercial for that spelling change... Introducing LITE the new way to spell Light, now with 20% fewer letters!!!!!
  4. I think the major thing that bothers me is not the mistakes themselves, I myself have fallen victim to the odd poorly typed post or sentence, but the overall lack of respect for both the language and the person that you are tying to communicate with. To me when someone uses a large amount of abbreviations or simply neglects to use spell check, I feel it is disrespectful. It is like that person is saying to you "You are not worth the time it would take me to write out words or actually form a coherent thought". I could understand the odd use of brb, gtg and the like but only in certain cases.
  5. Would you consider the wheel to be technological? At the time it would have been considered a machine and a traditional wheel has no buttons.
  6. There are only two things in this universe that are infinite, the universe itself and human stupidity...and I'm not sure about the universe. Albert Einstein
  7. I was just discussing this on another topic regarding the prevailing idea that a kellering seems to be equal to a ban in many users minds. They need to understand that they have a second chance to redeem themselves (which is very kind in many cases)
  8. Oh for sure, and I'm sorry if I sounded defensive or angry, (drawback to the wonderful internet, its very hard to discern emotions) all I meant was that your added info was very helpful and more precise.
  9. Thanks for the clarification Yuriy, for some reason the BD craft site wasn't loading for me so I was unsure if it still existed, turns out I just lost connectivity (staying at a cabin with really bad connection). As for the necessity of combining, I only mentioned this for clarity and to reinforce the point that there isn't an "official" tekkit pack, you need to find the bits and pieces (or use the one you kindly linked that has already been compiled).
  10. The texture pack that Duncan uses is called SphaxBDCraft and can be found on the minecraft forums. You will need to download the base texture pack first and then download the user created tekkit add-on. When you have downloaded the add-on, use winrar or some other program to merge the two folders and place the shiny new combined folder into the texture pack folder under C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\Roaming\.techniclauncher\tekkit
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