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Everything posted by IDED

  1. MC Name: IDED Age: 29... yeah I know sounds like a joke being almost 30 and playing Minecraft but if you need to verify check out my videos on http://www.IDEDOnline.com and you'll see I'm the balding nerdy who still loves to game :-P
  2. /home /tp /tpa all banned only play here if your willing to do a lot of walking to return to your home or live right next to spawn lol
  3. Its no issue, I'm just disappointed that yours isnt pve as myself I suck at pvp and am looking for a co-op server to play with others rather than against (or at least without the risk of being killed by others by accident lol)
  4. yes but pve implies co-op as in no pvp in a set area, yours is pure pvp though yes you can fight mobs that doesnt make the server pve as you can still be killed by players anywhere on the server... that makes it pvp not both. I run a tekkit classic server we have pvp and pve this means that one world is pure pve as in pvp is off in that world and thus players cannot kill each other the other is pvp which means players can kill each other, both have mobs but that doesnt make the pvp world a pve/pvp world lol Edit I suggest correcting the error in your title as it is misleading and actually completely false, have a look at the other listings just pvp servers dont have mobs turned off they like yours just mean that pvp is enabled in all worlds
  5. Server goes up and down extremely often so far but has towny so I'm gonna wait to try and play on it
  6. Any help would be appreciated?
  7. Maanaged to solve the first error was due to a corruption in redpowers mod pack but now getting 25.06 18:00:38 [Multicraft] Skipped 34 lines due to rate limit (60/s) 25.06 18:00:35 [server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.ChunkRegionLoader.a(ChunkRegionLoader.java:54) 25.06 18:00:35 [server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.ChunkRegionLoader.a(ChunkRegionLoader.java:65) 25.06 18:00:35 [server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.ChunkRegionLoader.a(ChunkRegionLoader.java:297) 25.06 18:00:35 [server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.Chunk.a(Chunk.java:649) 25.06 18:00:35 [server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.Chunk.a(Chunk.java:675) 25.06 18:00:35 [server] SEVERE java.lang.Exception 25.06 18:00:35 [server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:492) 25.06 18:00:35 [server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:467) 25.06 18:00:35 [server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(MinecraftServer.java:579) 25.06 18:00:35 [server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(NetworkListenThread.java:83) 25.06 18:00:35 [server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:119) 25.06 18:00:35 [server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(NetworkManager.java:234) 25.06 18:00:35 [server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.Packet250CustomPayload.handle(SourceFile:46) 25.06 18:00:35 [server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:1361) 25.06 18:00:35 [server] SEVERE at forge.MessageManager.dispatchIncomingMessage(MessageManager.java:419) 25.06 18:00:35 [server] SEVERE at forge.PacketHandlerServer.onPacketData(PacketHandlerServer.java:42) 25.06 18:00:35 [server] SEVERE at forge.PacketHandlerServer.onModListResponse(PacketHandlerServer.java:108) 25.06 18:00:35 [server] SEVERE at forge.PacketHandlerServer.finishLogin(PacketHandlerServer.java:169) 25.06 18:00:35 [server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.ServerConfigurationManager.c(ServerConfigurationManager.java:126) 25.06 18:00:35 [server] SEVERE at com.bergerkiller.bukkit.nolagg.examine.TimedChunkProviderServer.getChunkAt(TimedChunkProviderServer.java:147) 25.06 18:00:35 [server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.ChunkProviderServer.getChunkAt(ChunkProviderServer.java:86) 25.06 18:00:35 [server] SEVERE at com.bergerkiller.bukkit.nolagg.examine.TimedChunkProviderServer.loadChunk(TimedChunkProviderServer.java:96) 25.06 18:00:35 [server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.ChunkProviderServer.loadChunk(ChunkProviderServer.java:143) 25.06 18:00:35 [server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.ChunkRegionLoader.a(ChunkRegionLoader.java:54) 25.06 18:00:35 [server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.ChunkRegionLoader.a(ChunkRegionLoader.java:65) 25.06 18:00:35 [server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.ChunkRegionLoader.a(ChunkRegionLoader.java:297) 25.06 18:00:35 [server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.Chunk.a(Chunk.java:649) 25.06 18:00:35 [server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.Chunk.a(Chunk.java:675) 25.06 18:00:35 [server] SEVERE java.lang.Exception
  8. Hey guys and girls, I'm experiencing an issue with my server and wondered if anyone here would be so kind as to help. I searched and found a few threads similar but none containing a solution to the issue, below is a snippet of error I'm getting beyond this there are no other errors in my console. I have tried removing wireless redstone as one of the other topics suggested it could be the issue but I'm still getting this error log. Any and all help is appreciated. 23.06 09:51:43 [server] SEVERE at eloraam.core.RedPowerLib.updateCurrent(RedPowerLib.java:1220) 23.06 09:51:43 [server] SEVERE at eloraam.core.RedPowerLib.notifyBlock(RedPowerLib.java:25) 23.06 09:51:43 [server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.BlockRedstoneWire.doPhysics(BlockRedstoneWire.java:297) 23.06 09:51:43 [server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.BlockRedstoneWire.g(BlockRedstoneWire.java:55) 23.06 09:51:43 [server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.World.applyPhysics(World.java:508) 23.06 09:51:43 [server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.World.k(World.java:528) 23.06 09:51:43 [server] SEVERE at eloraam.core.BlockMultipart.doPhysics(BlockMultipart.java:29) 23.06 09:51:43 [server] SEVERE at eloraam.wiring.TileWiring.onBlockNeighborChange(TileWiring.java:243) 23.06 09:51:43 [server] SEVERE at eloraam.core.RedPowerLib.updateCurrent(RedPowerLib.java:1220) 23.06 09:51:43 [server] SEVERE at eloraam.core.RedPowerLib.notifyBlock(RedPowerLib.java:25) 23.06 09:51:43 [server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.BlockRedstoneWire.doPhysics(BlockRedstoneWire.java:297) 23.06 09:51:43 [server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.BlockRedstoneWire.g(BlockRedstoneWire.java:55) 23.06 09:51:43 [server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.World.applyPhysics(World.java:504) 23.06 09:51:43 [server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.World.k(World.java:528) 23.06 09:51:43 [server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.BlockRedstoneWire.doPhysics(BlockRedstoneWire.java:297) 23.06 09:51:43 [server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.BlockRedstoneWire.g(BlockRedstoneWire.java:55) 23.06 09:51:43 [server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.World.applyPhysics(World.java:508) 23.06 09:51:43 [server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.World.k(World.java:528) 23.06 09:51:43 [server] SEVERE at eloraam.core.BlockMultipart.doPhysics(BlockMultipart.java:29) 23.06 09:51:43 [server] SEVERE at eloraam.wiring.TileWiring.onBlockNeighborChange(TileWiring.java:243) 23.06 09:51:43 [server] SEVERE at eloraam.core.RedPowerLib.updateCurrent(RedPowerLib.java:1220) 23.06 09:51:43 [server] SEVERE at eloraam.core.RedPowerLib.notifyBlock(RedPowerLib.java:25) 23.06 09:51:43 [server] SEVERE at eloraam.core.BlockMultipart.doPhysics(BlockMultipart.java:29) 23.06 09:51:43 [server] SEVERE at eloraam.wiring.TileWiring.onBlockNeighborChange(TileWiring.java:243) 23.06 09:51:43 [server] SEVERE at eloraam.core.RedPowerLib.updateCurrent(RedPowerLib.java:1208) 23.06 09:51:43 [server] SEVERE at eloraam.wiring.TileRedwire.updateCurrentStrength(TileRedwire.java:144) 23.06 09:51:43 [server] SEVERE at eloraam.core.RedPowerLib.updateBlockCurrentStrength(RedPowerLib.java:1227) 23.06 09:51:43 [server] SEVERE at eloraam.wiring.TileWiring.getConnectionMask(TileWiring.java:197) 23.06 09:51:43 [server] SEVERE at eloraam.core.RedPowerLib.getConnections(RedPowerLib.java:801) 23.06 09:51:43 [server] SEVERE java.lang.StackOverflowError
  9. IDED

    Server Crash

    Same I would like the fix
  10. In-Game Name IDED Age and Global Location? 28 UK Have you ever been banned before? No but I've been made a moderator and run several servers Why do you play SMP? Because single player is boring as hell and working with people improves the experience and increases the rate of learning You know this is a member application right? Yes How long have you been playing Minecraft? couple years How did you find us? Tekkit forums in this thread What's your favorite color? .... Red i fail to see hwy this is relevant Will you please make an account on our Website? if the server is good then I will more than likely do so. Anything else you want to add? Not currently
  11. Hey peeps I spent an hour making my forum topic match the given rules before the change over Please see http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1476848-312-craftopia-pvegreylistfreebuildtownymultiworlduser-fundeddonation-ranks/ now can someone point out where I didn't comply before I go ahead and copy it over again? The only thing I did not put was the slot amount just due to the fact that our slot total can change day to day due to user funding but beyond that I cannot see what I did wrong, I guess I'm just being dumb but still I obviously need someone else to point out my foolishness as I cant see it.
  12. same as bud, if you have steam my account is ided2010 just drop me a message and I'll get on, otherwise you'll need to give me a rough time so I can try to be there for you as the design machine seen above is not in a public location currently and I'm currently chewing through Torchlight 2 and 3 c#.net courses so its unlikely I will just be hanging around on the server, but if Dredcor is on I'm sure he will gladly show you it if I am unavailable. Till tomorrow (later on today at this point) have fun and I'll look forward to seeing you soon.
  13. If you wanna join the world I will gladly show it to you or if you have a server yourself I will happily login and demonstrate the build and give you the script used to make it function
  14. Hi all When I started this project I didnt realise others had even tried this but before posting as first ever I did a search to ensure it was and found people had done this but none were made in this way and most were no where near as interesting or well thought out so I proudly present my own take on the tekkit slot machine The machine has an input chest so you can place multiple plays worth of diamonds (or whatever you set as the cost item) in the input chest and unlike any other machine this is a reel based machine with a graphical output (no spin animation at the moment) with a push to play activation so its not just constantly pulling in items making it in my view a lot better than the currently available machines. Once pressed the machine kicks in pulling 1 diamond from the chest regardless if there are stacks or not and will only activate if the correct currency is used (bad currency is left in the chest so no harm no foul) when the price is paid the reels spin (each reel having 5 possible outcomes but can easily be reduced or expanded as required) once the spin is complete (takes less than a second) the screen displays the result plus tells you if you have won or lost Currently I have chosen the face reels but any ascii could be used and as you can see on this spin I won and the machine lets you know this and asks the player to then wait for 2 seconds for your winnings to be placed in the chest to the right (allows you to play multiple games and stack your winnings rather than throwing them on the floor like other machines seem to do. once completed and the correct amount of winnings is paid the machine resets ready for the next play (as above this takes about 2 seconds only due to delay added to allow player to see results). Its simple and works like a charm its not as large as other machines and the biggest part is the screen which I think is the most important part of any slot machine and works just like a real machine would. I will be uploading a video of it and how to make it with the code for the computer element soon. But to let you have a rough idea the machine totals 3 blocks high, 5 wide (7 if walled around) and 7 blocks deep but I'm working to reduce this into a smaller size but the screen is what makes the machine the size it is (screen can be only 1 wide and tall if you happy to display instructions in pages or on signs and have numerical reels instead of ascii) and totals 104 lines of code to make it function but once again this can be reduced if you only want numerical output and no instructions built in. So this is my take on a slot machine which is really a copy of a real life one for tekkit. We will be building a casino on server soon and I will try to create some more rl copies of other machines to.
  15. Yo man, I dont know if you have steam but if so feel free to add me IDED2010 as it would be cool to be able to keep in contact outside of the mc world.

  16. Yo dude, if you wanna pop over to my server sometime feel free, we might not be quite to the standard of wookies but we give it our best shot and you can check it out without requiring an application, hell you can even build and use vanilla blocks before sign up to establish a home while you wait :-D

  17. Same tbh I do a lot of CC coding as the language used is extremely familiar but the method to achieve certain things has been eluding me and I'm sure your script (when I get a chance to fully read it) will help me get around a few issues I have encountered or at least improve upon my existing code.
  18. ok heres a real weird one for anyone whos up to the challenge User IDED checked for "modifyworld.items.pickup.1266", "-modifyworld.items.(craft|have|pickup).(125-133):?*" found now surely that means the geedy repeat at the end isnt checking meta data but just matching any number thats larger than its self Odd also please not if its .?* or :?* it still has the error
  19. Imnotinsane not to rain on your fire but it may well not help improving the app as it might be the way in which you have answered but I cant really say as I haven't seen compass for a few days online, just be patient and accept that you may well just not be suitable for this server.
  20. can you repost the new perms file please so we can take a look at the new one, also how are you testing these? are you demoting yourself or are you using a second account, just as the individual user perms maybe effecting it. I'll do my best to assist, if you can give me access to the server directly I will try to login and test with you as that will give you a blank user to try it with no current perms beyond that that are set on the per group basis. as during my checks what you have now corrected should have fixed the issue well at least it did on my tests. If you wish I will give you a copy of my perms, pex config, modifyworld config that I know are configured correctly and do work and you can alter them as needed using the existing structure which may help you progress the issue towards a resolution.
  21. Thanks flamingsalad even though myself will not be using the code directly its extremely helpful and educational.
  22. first thing try.?* not : as i believe that doesnt work. turn off use item checks as this will simplify the perms rather than have use on block you can just block the base item for interact and place then just block item use and thats it rather than trying to do the additional on block bit as I think that also might be part of the issue. Also try using /pex user <your ign> toggle debug then place the blocks (if it will allow) if so you will get a console log for the event which will tell you what perm its checking and if its seeing your rules or not. Also as I have already said - modifyworld.* must be the last item as it checks top to bottom so at the moment before it sees any of your perms it gets to - modifyworld.* and goes ok your fine to do anything and allows it as why check the rest when your already saying they can do anything... please read the replies and follow them before asking for help as you will find many people will ignore you as well your ignoring them and I know I will not reply again until you fix the items I have already told you are wrong if you choose to ignore that then well you'll never fix it as your not paying attention lol
  23. Deimos, like myself you are better off pasting your entire permissions.yml file into pastebin.com and giving the link to use as this would allow us to take a look at everything as it may well be you have made a mistake else where that is causing this not to work (much like I had) But to get the basic checks done Goto http://yaml-online-parser.appspot.com/ paste in your code and see if it returns any errors and if the grouping stays as expected as those seem to be the most common issues (people using tabs rather than spaces, incorrect indents etc) Next up is verifying that you have got modify world enabled in its own config.yml file as without that nothing you alter using it will function also remember that the use-check option alters the way in which the checks are performs and also setting use-item-names is a weird one I would recommend this be off so you can just use id's as names don't seem to work correctly for anything other than vanilla mc or at least the names are not the same as ingame which I verified myself using nei's item/block dump) Once you ensure all that is set correctly then come back here and paste your pastebin link so we can see the whole config as this will allow us to see any obvious errors and test it ourselves to see if it maybe to do with your layout (remembering that pex checks the perms top to bottom so the order in which the items are listed is important, ensure your modifyworld.* is the last line after you remove prior item/block perms). Good luck and remember stay positive, its taken me 4-5 days of work to get my modifyworld setup correctly and working, so dont expect an instant fix or someone to fix it all for you as its never that easy and will require dedication and a lot of work but you will find we can give advice and suggestions that will get you heading in the correct direction but we will need all the info to do so. Education is key in modifyworld and the learning curve isn't easy specially due to their wiki being incorrect in places and completely lacking in others.
  24. Well looking at the fact that you havent had a reply I should imagine that would be a no your not accepted, its not a job app the server owner has no reason to reply to every application regardless how long you made it :-P But still be patient you never know.
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