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Everything posted by Linear_Spoon

  1. not sure what you've got going on here but here is are basic server/client scripts the client code: rednet.open("top") print("Looking for a server...") while ID == nil do rednet.announce() --sends an empty rednet message so server can get its ID ID, message, distance = rednet.receive(5) --5 is the timeout in seconds end print("Server replied!") print("ID: "..ID) print("Message: "..message) print("distance: "..distance) rednet.send(ID, "Found you!") --To send a message back to the server rs.setOutput("back", true) --Or to change the redstone state of a side the server code: rednet.open("top") -- parameter is the side with the modem while true do print("Waiting for a client...") ID, message, distance = rednet.receive() --no parameter means wait forever if ID ~= nil then --nil ID might be returned if you have a timeout on rednet.receive() print("Found a client!") print("ID: "..ID) print("Message: "..message) print("distance: "..distance) rednet.send(ID, "Hello") --To send a message back to the client end end I hope this helps
  2. You can still use servers that don't check if players are logged in..try some other ones maybe? http://help.mojang.com/
  3. I switched to avast! http://www.avast.com/en-us/index Never had a problem since
  4. Typing in capital letters is considered to be the equivalent of shouting out loud On topic: Get a new antivirus, AVG has invisibly blocked minecraft downloads before for me
  5. There's also a NEI settings file in the server's config folder, try fixing that too
  6. if you are running the server from your own computer: The address is known as the loopback address and will always work even if you havent set up port forwarding if you are on a private network behind your router, an address such as 192.168.x.x may work if you have correctly set up port forwarding on the router, your public address (5.x.x.x) will also work if you are using a service to host your server: they will most likely provide a url which can be used just like the IP address when connecting or they may provide you with an IP in this case the first two addresses I listed wouldn't do anything sorry if this isnt answering your question
  7. Can't say for sure what's wrong then without being there I've always had trouble setting the server IP by the properties file though..mine always runs fine with no IP listed
  8. online mode refers to whether the server checks that you are logging in with a valid account or not Have anyone other than the one friend tried to connect? You said you could connect, were you using an address like 127.x.x.x or 192.168.x.x? If so, test it with your public address (google 'IP' to find your public one) Also, if you've port forwarded your router you shouldn't need hamachi to connect make sure you're giving your friend your public IP rather than your private IP double check your router is forwarding the right port and to the right private IP make sure your friend is using the same version (the server will boot you if you have the wrong mods or outdated mods) is the server whitelisted?
  9. Have you tried computercraft? I wrote a simple program that plants saplings and powers a deployer full of bonemeal to create trees to be cut down by the turtle There's plenty of other things you could do if you're creative enough
  10. if on windows you can just open windows explorer and navigate to %appdata%\.techniclauncher\tekkit\mods find a zip folder named MAtmos_packaged.zip and move or delete it I think there's also a hotkey to disable matmos ingame like F7 or something if you havent tried that
  11. I've seen this happen when a mod is deleted from the server. Its items will still appear in NEI because the mod is installed client side as well and if you try to spawn them the server blocks it. If the mods are still there then I have no clue what the problem is sorry.
  12. Could be any number of issues especially since we don't know how the old computer was configured Wrong IP on new computer Friends have wrong IP Port forwarding to old computer Bad settings in hamatchi (never used it ) Firewall issues Bad IP/Port settings in the server config My advice is to do a little bit of research on networking or post some more details and run your post through a spell check please
  13. Get something like mcedit (google it)..haven't done this myself but you can do something like delete those chunks and just have the game respawn them next time it loads
  14. Here: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?99yygd99oa9ldo4 Note this isn't the original zipped server...just my files thrown together so some of the config files may not be at their defaults
  15. Um..I still have the files for 3.0.3 and 3.1.1 if that helps..will check back here later today for replies
  16. I'm no expert but it looks like you have a bad copy of nether ores mod or possibly an old version if you delete it, it might work but there would be no ores in the nether should be something like a zip folder under mods folder good luck to you
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