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About Korialstrasz

  • Birthday 05/26/1980

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Iron (4/9)



  1. the is an error in the NetherOre Config where min and max Y is both 128 s nether ores also spawn at the top of it. Gonna Try to find the link t the thread Edit: here it is.
  2. Point 1 looks like Spawn Protection to me. I think like 30 block around spawn point is protected so that only ops can break blocks. So try to move further away from spawn and check if you can break blocks
  3. that is correct. Minecraft doesn't thread much and that's pretty so deep inside the game so you have to practically rewrite the hole game.
  4. isnt that CustomLanPorts?
  5. There was a scene like that? I completed the game a couple of times but never saw that. Either i have a fixed version or my brain just delete my memory of it the second the scene ended. But yeah FFX was the best game only second to Person 4.
  6. well it reminds me of this. Just that you found a clever way of writing the code.
  7. mh maybe im wrong but i found this: http://computercraft.info/wiki/OpenCCSensors And it looks like that your name and basicDetails are invalid names for the information. In the exaple they use k and v.
  8. well from my basic programming skills in lua i deduct that you are running an infite loop with your programm. it gets call every milli clears the monitor prints something and cleares the monitor prints something etc. so it not to that your monitors doenst show anything. you are just to slow to see it. Also: for ... mon.clear() mon.setScale() mon.setCursorPos() . . . end what you probably wanna do is mon.clear() mon.setScale() mon.setCursorPos() for ... . . . end EDit: Missed the sleep at the end, but still the argument on sleep is the time in milliseconds
  9. Yeah something in Optifine is breaking Tekkit Lite. If i read the Log right it is something with the InternalServer. I think it was that it couldnt switch states correctly or something like that
  10. well you could also use the awesome JSTR Pack available here: http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/32x-johnsmith-technic-tekkit.29809/
  11. yeah that no real problem with the texture pack. it happen to me even with the default texture pack so it must be something with the block itself.
  12. mh i see you have a charging bench mk II. check if it gets a redstone signal. If the charging benches get a redstone signal they are switched to output mode and discharge there internal storage. the Mk I outputs LV Mk II outputs MV and Mk III outputs HV current. Had a couple of explosions because of this. So Check that. Edit: Ok if the charging Bench was not wired then that cant be the problem. Edit again: i would say that the explosion graphic was wrong. And that your compressor blew up. at least that would align with the stuff that was destroyed and then the charging bench would come into play again, because i think it can charge machines which are connected to it like a generator
  13. Instead of the chest use a transposer and connect the output to your first sorting machine with a piece of tube. Sorting machines only need a redstone pulse if they should pull items out of inventories and will also work if the item is lead through them with tubes
  14. still install java 7 the error message "Unsupported major.minor version 51.0" means that your try to run it on java6 either remove the nether ores mod or java_home to the java7 folder
  15. well that message is a block ID conflict between client and server. Check your configs client and server side. Client says to the sever that it is crafting,cheating breeding and item with the ID 123 and the server look through its items and says: "Sry Bro i have no item with id 123, now go and do something else".
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