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Posts posted by Zlepper

  1. I have prepared an alpha release of the new solder helper (dubbed Modpack helper).

    It can be found at the following url: http://zlepper.dk/modpackhelper/publish.htm and installs just like the old version.

    It is not backwards compatible, which means it will not use any old stored information, so you have to reenter most things again.
    It however doesn't break the old version of solderhelper, so you can keep using that until this version enters proper release.

    Noticeable changes include:

    • Data is now saved in flatfile json instead of SQLite.
    • FTP upload now has a progress dialog.
    • UI elements has been moved around and grouped differently, though the basic gist is still the same.
    • Modpack settings are now saved per modpack.
      • This means that you can switch between modpacks with different versions of forge, different permission checking and other fun stuff.
    • Solder integration no longer works directly in the database, but uses the normal solder interface.
      • This makes it quite a lot slower, but it should be a lot easier to setup and use.
      • This also means that files have to be uploaded in some way before solder can be updated.
        • You should get a message about uploading them manually if you haven't enabled FTP upload.
    • Binaries are only 1/8 the size of the old version.
    • No longer has any dependency on 7zip or zip.
      • The application now has it's own zip handler, which is a lot faster, and produces more stable results.
    • Dropped support for creating monolithic packs.
      • Might make a return of enough people request it
    • Dropped support for asking as it came across mods.
      • You get a popup interface with everything in the same place after all mods have been analyzed
    • All the heavy lifting is now multi-threaded, which means the UI should no longer freeze when the application is doing stuff.
    • servers.dat will no longer be packed.

    Features that is not yet in:

    • Generating permission files.
      • You can enter permissions already, but files are no generated yet.
    • Any sort of FTB pack handling.
    • Handling sub folders in the mods folder.
      • I need to find a smarter way of handling this.
    • Handling other folders in the Minecraft root.
      • I also need to find a smarter way of doing this, as I'm not exactly happy with the old checkbox system (It was a mess to maintain)
    • Probably other stuff I have forgotten about.
  2. On 8/29/2015 at 8:58 PM, DaNeo said:

    seems that your app is not working on windows 10 Pro.

    Its says evertime "its you first start" i looked at taskmanger

    after the message it runs some seconds and quits then.

    //Edit installing now Virtualbox with windows 7 and test it again.

    //On my Virtuall win7 it crashs "TechnicSolderHelper has stopped working"

    I think that was caused by a broken dependency. I could not replicate it because it only happened on new installs, but it should be fixed now anyway.
    And sorry for the very late response, apparently the forum stopped notifying me of changes.

  3. and for mac the download?

    ​You should be able to use the linux download, though you will have to install mono yourself.

    Modpack Helper can be downloaded here:


    Mono can be downloaded here: http://www.mono-project.com/download/

    Or you could try with the .net beta, though I have no idea how well that performs on mac.

  4. ​So I would put the IP of the VPS I use for Solder in the server address area?


    When I use the IP as Server Address and my MySQL username and password and the solder database and prefix, I press test and it states unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts.

    ​It's likely you forgot to open the ports on your VPS or allow external access to the MySQL install.

  5. I added a little checkbox if you have Modpack Helper configured to use Solder which will force Modpack Helper to pack all the mods again and put them on solder, no matter if they are registered there already. This should at least allow you to get around some of the issues with Modpack Helper not always packing the correct mods, which I still haven't located the exact reason for.

  6. Okay, that issue is now fixed. Now when I go through the whole process, the program freezes near the end (not responding). When this happens seems to be random, sometimes it says it's finishing compiling the last few mods, sometimes it happens when its compiling the extra folders I selected. I had to force close it via task manager and it didn't create a crash report on the desktop.

    ​I just released a new version which should be a bit more informative about what it's doing, and shouldn't hang that much.

    EDIT: You can also resize the application window now, and the box with the additional folders will increase in size to show them all.


    Get ready for link galore.


    Here's a screenshot of the issue: http://i.imgur.com/Wxs7rcs.png

    ​Here's a messy list of the mod files CMD exported: http://pastebin.com/jiaz3R5Q

    If you would prefer a screenshot of the folder so your eyes don't bulge out of your head here you go: http://i.imgur.com/gyCotJy.png

    I also went ahead and took a screenshot of my settings: http://i.imgur.com/1BCLaDg.png

    I should also note that when I clicked "Generate Permissions", those weird file names were in there too. What was more surprising was that all of the actual mod files were there, but the random numbers (and a lot of them) were also there. I knew something was up when it said I had 375 mods...

    Pastebin of the "permissions" file: http://pastebin.com/frHfDa2t


    I couldn't find any log file, I assume they are only generated in the event of a crash. If there is one hidden somewhere and you need it, tell me.



    PS: I also noticed that there are so many folders in the directory that the program isn't able to list them all and the run off screen (unscrollable as well). Perhaps something that could be fixed in a future update?

    ​The issue with the odd files should be fixed in the latest update, which you can download by starting the application.

    The directory listing is more of a cosmetic issue, and I'll fix it once I have a bit more time.

  8. Yep you answered my question and it looks like that is exactly how it worked. Only odd thing I found was that after running the app and having it upload to Solder intall it does indeed show up and everything is all well and good. But once you link it into Technic then an issue pops up. The issue is that it says the file cannot be extracted or does not exist or is corrupt and to contact the modpack author. 

    Now this has happened to me twice with two different test packs. It seems to boil down to this. Once the app uploads the mods to the Solder database an MD5 Sum is attached to it and I guess once you manually upload the actual filed to your mod directory the MD5 changes? So you have to actually go in and Rehash all the mods in that pack manually. 

    Obviously this isn't an issue with your app it is just something that I have taken notice of and am advising to other Modpack Authors. Because once you rehash all those mods in the pack I have been able to download the pack flawlessly.


    **Side note, is the FTP feature not yet working? I went to configure the app to upload automatically to my FTP server, even created a specific user name for it and the program stops responding and asks if I want to debug it. 


    Hidden Content

    That is what happens when i put the full FTP address with :21 at the end of the url. If I don't put the :21 it just says invalid host-name which I can't seem to figure out because that is the host name for a manual configuration of my FTP directory on my website.

    ​When using port 21 to connect you don't need to specify it, since it's default. And the "Invalid Hostname" message is due to missing the protocol like:


    I added a change so the protocol is automatically appended to the box when you start typing, so that should work around the issue.


    I have experienced the first issue you mention with the files, sadly it's not something I can reproduce constantly, so it's very hard to debug.

    The issue shouldn't happen, since Modpack Helper is told to skip files already on solder, though that doesn't always seem to be the case.

    I have changed a few things, in hope that it'll fix the issue, but I doubt it.

  9. orAwesome update bossman. Alright, so I have a quick question that I PROBABLY should have asked a while ago but to be honest never really ran into it until now. If I want to use this application to create another modpack that reuses some mods from other packs and I check the box that says to use the Solder Installation does it auto create that pack with all the mods that I already have in the Solder Database?

    The reason why this comes up now is actually quite funny. See when I first got on this band wagon I used it to create one MASSIVE repository of common mods I always use. So then I would just manually create packs via solder dashboard and add in those mods that I uploaded via this app. I never actually tried to create a "new pack" with the app itself. (I created plenty of Zip packs but not solder packs). So my question becomes if I want to have this app totally manage the modpack I am creating will it automatically do that for me? In other words, I get together a new mods folder on my local machine, check the use solder install box and I know some mods in that new mods folder will be common mods that are already uploaded to my repo. Will this app once it creates the pack automatically assign those already uploaded mods to the newly created pack so all I have to do is just add in the icon and stuff like that? Becasue I know from experience that it doesn't re-upload mods already in the database. (By re-upload I don't mean actually upload them via FTP but just adding them into the solder database)


    Sorry if that question is confusing.

    From what I can understand you saying it should work just like you it to.

    Say you have modpack A with the mods: "Mod A", "Mod B" and "Mod D". And you create that in solder and upload all the files.

    Then when you create pack B with mods: "Mod B", "Mod C" and "Mod D" only "Mod C" will be uploaded to solder. "Mod B" and "Mod D" will just be assigned to the new pack.


    Or at least that is how it should work if nothing is wrong.

  10. Suggestion for an update perhaps? Solder 7.2 now uses Java requirements and recommended memory. Just a suggestion to maybe adding that into the program? It is no where near necessary at all lol but perhaps just as an added feature as this program is already so great I can't think of anything else in the real of suggestions or improvements lol.

    ​Surprise update since i needed a break from school work.

    Also I'm running out of interface ;)

  11. Suggestion for an update perhaps? Solder 7.2 now uses Java requirements and recommended memory. Just a suggestion to maybe adding that into the program? It is no where near necessary at all lol but perhaps just as an added feature as this program is already so great I can't think of anything else in the real of suggestions or improvements lol.

    ​I'll see what I can do once my finals have me a little less stresses (Which means in about 2 weeks) :)


    My pack that i recently made installed and now i try to play it but it immediately sends me back to the launcher. Please help:bang:


    URL to download the modpack: http://api.technicpack.net/modpack/factories-with-optifine

    ​I'm pretty sure that has nothing to do with this program at all, but I have send a message to some of the technic guys, and I hope they can look at it instead.

  12. Hello there, MY IGN is yoolee. I am thirteen years old and I would like to join your server. I am English but I live in California in the USA at the moment. I love to read and go on my skates. I have been playing minecraft for over three years, I love playing on modded servers as there are so many mods and there is so much to explore and learn about. I would like to join your server as it has almost all of my favorite mods in it and it is whitelisted so I believe that I will have a great time playing on your server. Also does the server have plugins or is it vanilla?

    ​There is forgeessentials on the server, but other than allow some basic teleporting and keeping backups it doesn't really do much.

  13. hello my name is mantas. my ign is akpreacher. im just a simple 17 year old that loves minecraft. i was looking for a cool modded server to play on and this one looks just perfect. ( and no offence but please check younger people before you whitelist. and again no offence but they usualy are the ones who bring the server down) i hope i get accepted.




    ​I started playing when I was young, so I think people should have a fair chance.

    I have added you to the whitelist.

  14. Hey! My IGN is tubsy79 and well yeah I wanna join this server. I am 13 years old and love long walks on the beach. I also love multiplayer, modded minecraft but hate how I always have to make guards against griefers and raiders and am constantly being stabbed in the back and why isn't griefing in the dictionary? Only just noticed that...

    ​Alright, you are now on the whitelist. :)

  15. Modpack: http://technicpack.net/modpack/zleppers-pack-of-worlds.590639

    Ip: zlepper.dk

    Server rules:

    • Be nice
    • Be friendly
    • Be respectful
    • Be chatty
    • Don't grief(This includes stealing or just being a donkey hole)

    As the time of writing I'm the only player on the server, but would really like some more people to play with, since that always makes the experience a bit more fun :)

    If you want to join the server make sure you live up to the 4 first rules, and then post you IGN here and maybe some other information about yourself so I can see that you actually join to be social.

    I expect the server to be running 24/7 with only the occasional downtime for updates and such.

    This is by no means an industrial sized server, it's more for the casual players who likes to play with others and know who they are playing with.


  16. Hello, first off: Thank you very much for this program, it made updating my pack much easier and faster.

    I do have some things I wanted to say: 

    In the new update the program no longer hangs when I update the forge versions and such, this is great but now I no longer have any way to see if it's done or not, I'm obviously not asking you to make it hang again, but some form of indication about whether it's updating it or not would be awesome. Maybe a message saying "Done updating the forge versions" or something like that. Same with the ftp feature, some more feedback would be awesome.

    Another thing I'd like to see is a "about" button. Perhaps with a link to this topic.

    Thanks for making this awesome program and thank you for reading my post! 

    Kind Regards,


    The start button gets grayed out when it's updating forge versions or permissions.
    I'll see what I can do about the FTP to make it a bit more informative.


    Hey, I tried using your program with the following settings [ Note that I tested the sql_db and the program returned it was alright ] and after several "bug the mod author to include mc...somethingsomething.txt I get the errorlog shown below. 

    I just released a version with that issue fixed. Please update and try again.

    Also, you shouldn't use forge versions that you haven't tested, it's generally a bad thing.

  18. It is complainging about the upload to ftp/s3 feature, Also the program doesn't run in the backround, so nothing to worry about on that part (Been using it for months, no problems ;-))

    No it's not, it has no way of detecting the ftp feature. Also ftp and s3 are completely seperate features of the program.

    The program it is complaining about is what the .Net framework uses to install ClickOnce application.

    Also, should you happen to delete this file, good luck installing Google Chrome, which is just one of the many applications which uses the .Net installer.



    Tested out the new Get Permissions button on my actual modpack folder and it works like a charm. Only thing I noticed is it will only generate the open permissions, it won't generate ones that require permission or even if it can't find permissions perhaps an "Unknown" status unlike when you are actually creating the pack and it says to provide a link to the permissions. But I do see lables in the PermLevels.cs file (Unless of course every mod in my pack has open permissions, which I'm fairly certain isn't the case because i know some require that you have the permissions/notify them it is in a modpack) IE:

    OpenMods(OpenMods) by Mikeemoo
    Permissions are Unknown (if the system just doesn't know what the permissions are)
    Permissions are Required (if the mod-author states you need permissions)


    Is that intentional or was that an oversight? Either way even if it was intentional, I don't mind cross-referencing so THANK YOU so damn much lol!!!!!!  

    It should print out all stored information, but I recently broke the database, so it's likely it doesn't have any information stored at all right now, other than the open permissions.

    But i'll see what I can do about adding some kind of error.

    Latest version will now print make a list of files it doesn't know permissions for, and a list of files it knows nothing about at all.

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