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Posts posted by Zlepper

  1. It seems that people have not discovered this due to my horrible documentation(or complete lack thereof), and even worse naming of buttons.


    If you want SolderHelper to pack mods that it has already packed, just select "reset database". Everything about the mods will still be known, so you won't have to reenter everything.

    And don't worry, it's only local where it changes a value in the the database to 0 instead of 1, so no harm will come to your actual solder database.

  2. Kew thanks. It appears to be working now :D

    I don't know what I did but now its not packing any of my mods. Only the configs, forge, and scripts :(

    That is intended when making solder packs. SolderHelper will remember what mods it has packed before, and wont pack then again. This is done to minimize the data usage when uploading packs, and to avoid having to get a new md5 value for solder.

    If you want it to pack the mods again just click "reset database".

    This also only happens for solder packing, so if you are making a giant zip, then everything will still get packed.

  3. I presume you have no idea what's wrong and why its not working. I vaguely remember it working fine (once).


    EDIT: Are you SURE you can't reporduce the bug? I've been able to reproduce it on my desktop (8.1) and a VM running on that (10) and my laptop (7)

    I *think* I have found a way to reporduce the bug. Run the application, then, without changing anything, run it again. That is what I found produces the issue

    Trust me, I do know "what" type of issue it is, and what could be causing it, but the mentioned function is pretty long, and the error log doesn't tell me anything other than a value hasn't been set. Considering that function moves around about 20 values it's pretty hard to figure out the issue without the line number.

    But I managed to fix the issue now after some intense debugging.

  4. Here's the biblicoraft file I'm using: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/121954827/BiblioCraft%5Bv1.9.0%5D%5BMC1.7.10%5D.jar

    Swapping the mcmod for biblocraft with another doesn't crash but instead causes an invalid mcmod.info error where you put the name and version in manually

    Everything works fine for me, so I have no idea what could be causing the crash.

    Out of curiosity is it the only file you have issues with?

  5. It still crashes with bibliocraft and I think I have found why. This is the message it throws http://pastebin.com/JY5vZy40


    I think the reason that it crashes (or the only difference between two mods) is the mod's mcmod.info file. Bibliocraft's mcmod file is this and another mod (ArmorStatusHud) is this do you see the difference between the two files? That's why I think its crashing.

    The two differences are accounted for, and I am completely unable to reproduce the crash you are experiencing.

    Try sending your bibliocraft file to me, then I might be able to figure out something.


    So now that I have updated to the most recent version of solder(at the time of this post) I can't use the solder database option cause mysql keeps timing out no matter what database is put in there. I can't use auto-upload to ftp, everything in there goes to Invailhost. As far as the second one goes, I don't use/want ftp on my server, so I am using a ftp to sftp feature of my client. heres the domain I am using for mysql vps.thedoctorslife.com

    That didn't make any resonable sense to me. But for you ftp thing you have to add the protocol infront of the ftp url, like this:


    And to use mysql you don't need to have any uploading done by SolderHelper, it's just there for automating purposes.

    Also for your timeouts: Are you sure that you have opened to needed ports to connect to the mysql database from the outside of your network? That is usually what causes a timeout.

  6. I'm getting the same error mine_my_own_bizz has/had.



    I'm guessing it's caused by mods you haven't yet taken into account for, so the program doesn't know what to do when it sees them. It says it's "currently doing" BiblioCraft[v1.5.5].zip when it happens. I'll drop a link here so you can see the whole list of mods I have. I'm looking forward to using this successfully very soon! I haven't been able to update my modpack for probably over a month because I added a few more mods and it just stopped downloading from dropbox correctly. That's the only thing I changed about it, though, is mods. I don't think it's Item ID conflicts because I can play it just fine on my personal version, but trying to update it through Technic Launcher no longer works. I added GalactiCraft and some of its extra mods, and that's it, I think. I use IDfixminus to automatically fix most ID conflicts, and it apparently worked on GalactiCraft for my personal version, but despite working for so many other mods on the update through the launcher method, it might not be working for GalactiCraft. It doesn't make sense, so again, I'm really hoping you can help me soon!

    I could swear I had solved that issue shortly after he reported it.

    But i'll take a look at the old version of bibliocraft to see if I can find any issues with it.

    Also Ids is not something I have anything to do with, I'm just purely interacting with the mod files.


    EDIT: just tested again, everything is packed correctly, so without a log there is nothing I can do to fix an issue I can't find.

    To get a log start the program from cmd like "solderhelper.exe > log.txt". Of cause you need to navigate to wherever SolderHelper is installed.

  7. For the sqlinfo, is it possible to use a sqlite database? Or is it only for mysql?

    Right now it only works if solder is running on a mysql database.



     You might want to change the first start promt https://imgur.com/WWJIsxG

    I'm not sure what you mean by changing it.

    nvm i'm a derp when i'm writing things, fixing it now XD



    Another thing Is could you make it so if I wanted to say use 0.6 of solder due to reasons, I could use this to upload everything to solder

    Right now i'm checking if you are actually connecting to a proper solder database, but some structures changed, so my detection changed a bit. But I will change it so it ignores the little difference between the two.

    The latest version can work with both 0.6 and 0.7.x of solder now.

  8. Still working on ftp uploads? I'm looking forward to not having to make any data directly in solder(can be such a pain some times)

    Yeah, I'm still working on that. I have most of it working, but I can't, for my life figure out what is going wrong with my code right now.


    Also: Solder Helper will now remember where you chose input beforehand, so you can switch between modpacks without having to find the entire path again.

  9. Could you add power convertors so that IC2 and build craft powers are interchangeable? I've already added it to mine and it works but would be nice not to have to add it after each update myself.


    Here's the link http://jamesmckay.id.au:8080/job/Power%20Converters/lastSuccessfulBuild/

    Acording to the amount of crash logs I recieved, then I don't think it will work.


    Also i was thinking rei's minimap would be better than the one you currently have installed.

    Personally I don't like Rei's. And mapwriter is already a part of opis, therefor it's easier to just bundle them up.


    I have added computercraft to mine as well and not had any errors, is there a reason you have open computers instead?

    Opencomputers gets updated more. And primarily it works with far more mods, and not just runs, but actually interacts with them.

    For a higher compitality in ComputerCraft you would need OpenPeripherals, which hasn't been updated yet.

  10. Have you tested this on 64 bit Windows yet?

    I do half the debugging on Windows 64x. That how i build the windows version too.

    32x however I have not tested throughout.

    Also, chancelog:

    Added the feature to select additional folders in the minecraft root directory. Just select them from the menu on the right.

    Now autodetects a few more mods.

    The "Reset database" button no longer forces you to reenter everything, it just tells the problem that nothing is on solder yet, so it will be readded should you run a solder run.

    Fixed a ton of visual bugs.

    Fixed a ton of other bugs.

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