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Everything posted by The_New_Pro

  1. We probably already went over the line, but sure.
  2. There's a 1-2 week rule. Also thanks for making fun of my disablilty.
  3. Ermm this is a very old thread... Should have checked the date before posting, Also I asumed as much.
  4. Yeahbut many people do like GT I hope you do texture it as I play on a server and the owner likes it so I am stuck with it.
  5. No bumping. But thats odd never happened to me.
  6. Well Its not tekkit's side... Also optifne comes with tekkit and is needed to make the texture pack work.
  7. It needs to go into the modpack.jar or at least sphax's does.
  8. Well AVG is evil so unistall that. But that may not fix it. Do you use the .exe or.jar?
  9. That still doesnt make that ok to do.
  10. Hey man calm down. Edit: It seems your caps lock was left on by mistake.
  11. Hey guys and gals I am still uploading but I have been to busy yo update this thread... I will try and get it up to date at a later time as its very late here right now and am to tired to do it.
  12. Are you kidding me? This is a awful post And how are you doing A let's play without being able to record? And not even a server? so...cool Not. And no skype? Why did you even post this?
  13. Oh we will always remember that you where the one to start this!
  14. Well this is the wrong spot and we need more info. It doesn't just stop working.
  15. Wait we have our own forum?
  16. Mind if I come and show that off in a video? Also im Protieus on the server
  17. So now I can go back to wanting to eat you... YES!

  18. Humm I need To join someone anyone willing? M-tech?
  19. Ep7 And forward Will all be in HD! YAY!
  20. Oh I also record other games so if you like this be sure to watch them to EP3 and four links tomorrow but they are already up now.
  21. Hey guys, I and my friend have been recording all day to make this I hope you like it I will post the new EPs When I get the chance These all contain Adult content! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArrMQsxHrTM&list=HL1350742521&feature=mh_lolz Ep1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrDlCCd3fJk EP2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YaUtzHzeajk EP3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-5VGxdtDOE EP4
  22. I play on a server so that wont help me, Sad face. Anyway I am going to start recording my videos thanks for telling me what you use.
  23. I still wont work please I keep getting an error after more then like 1 hour. Well 20 mins lol EDIT: Got it!
  24. Hey sorry but can someone put the latest on mediafire? GoogleDrive won't let me download it.
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