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Everything posted by Tulwean

  1. yea we already started but there is plenty of room
  2. I have a server. It's based out of CA, it's currently me and a few friends. If you are interested let me know. It's white listed so I will need your IGN.
  3. Just put in a ticket to servercraft asking them to install Tekkit. It's what I did a d it works great. They will also set up dynmap for you because it requires ports.
  4. I noticed on mine that it doesn't show the texture for basalt and oil so I can see right through it. Is dynmap updated for this?
  5. dont read patch notes for minecraft do you, he fixed it so that when you use redstone you dont need to invert the signal of one of the lines to the doors, power off both closed, power on both open.
  6. Jeb fixed that problem in MC 1.2. All double door should function correctly now.
  7. If your not interested in that one I got one it's whited listed so I'll need you ign. I not gonna be on much for a few days because I'm moving but after that I'll be on more often. Let me know if your interested
  8. Thats really cool I'll have to use that crafting able. Save a lot of time
  9. I use the same host and I think it would just be easier to get the admins to update it.
  10. Mike I gotta say that I love you mod. One of the greatest mods I have used.it was great when I had towns on my server and now it's even greater not that you can see most Tekkit stuff with it. Your awesome keep up the great work.
  11. I would hardly consider this a pick up for chick. Girl have a different view on thing then guys do. This is the reason why I would like to get a few girls on my server. Different designs for houses machines and such. Girls also tend to put more in to little things like decor of the house which is another thing that I like to see on my server.
  12. As a global mod i don't think that you shouldn't be calling people names for the fact that you are giving the staff of the forums poor rep. If you are rude to them they wont come back, they don't come back they can't get problems with the mod pack fixed so they won't use it. Alex Ragnar is right, its for testing.
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