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Everything posted by Durex_tears

  1. yeah i enjoy the yogcast more than any other youtube channel based around minecraft. i am 18 years old. due to your incredibly witty intro to your last post i am assuming you yourself are not a "young kid" or "below average intelligence" so how is it that the yogcast is the cause of noobs rushing to tekkit? i just cant understand the logic behind that statement. It is in fact a quite short sighted statement, being that there are many other ways someone could be introduced to technic/tekkit outside of the yogcast youtube channels and still have no clue what the hell they are doing.
  2. I agree with what most of you are saying, but the problem doesn't stem from the yogcast and it is very short sighted to think so. You would have the problem of obnoxious or unruly players no matter what. sure youtube series such as what the yogcast do upload wouldnt help the situation, but it is far from the main cause.
  3. You guy's should add a forum category for the vanilla option in the launcher. with general discussion and bugs/problems etc. just a thought.
  4. i think by extra launch options he means as in the yogbox and voxel packs and such... so im assuming he wants to manually add in extra mod packs..
  5. Maybe not so much lazy, but being new to something is a great excuse for not being particularly good at it...
  6. sorry for the spelling errors, it's late and im frustrated. :P
  7. Launcher Version: Operating System: XP Sp2 Java Version: version 7 update 5 Antivirus Program: AVG/anti-bytes Description of Problem: my computer can not handle the technic, yogbox or the voxel modpack. i have been trying to mod the vanilla pack of the technic launcher. ive tried everyway i can think of plus everyway ive seen on forums/youtube. ive tried adding them to the minecraft.JAR iv'e tried deleting the meta-inf folder, ive tried leaving it, ive tried un-czipping them to this same file, ive tried putting them into the "mods" folder packed and unpacker. ive tried anything i can think of for hours and hours. as i said i can play vanilla fine, no dramas at all, but the mods just do not load up. also it may be notable that i put the painterly texture pack into the texture pack folder and it worked fine, i am at wits end here! any help would be much appreciated. thank you! Error Messages: none (the mods i add in just do not load up) Error Log: once again, no error message, either the mods wont load, (as in the client loads up and i can play vanilla fine, just no mods are added to the game OR the game will not open at all.)
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