Launcher Version:
Operating System: XP Sp2
Java Version: version 7 update 5
Antivirus Program: AVG/anti-bytes
Description of Problem:
my computer can not handle the technic, yogbox or the voxel modpack. i have been trying to mod the vanilla pack of the technic launcher. ive tried everyway i can think of plus everyway ive seen on forums/youtube. ive tried adding them to the minecraft.JAR iv'e tried deleting the meta-inf folder, ive tried leaving it, ive tried un-czipping them to this same file, ive tried putting them into the "mods" folder packed and unpacker. ive tried anything i can think of for hours and hours. as i said i can play vanilla fine, no dramas at all, but the mods just do not load up.
also it may be notable that i put the painterly texture pack into the texture pack folder and it worked fine, i am at wits end here! any help would be much appreciated.
thank you!
Error Messages:
none (the mods i add in just do not load up)
Error Log:
once again, no error message, either the mods wont load, (as in the client loads up and i can play vanilla fine, just no mods are added to the game OR the game will not open at all.)