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Everything posted by Durex_tears

  1. Makes sense. Could it be possible to delete the files of certain ages that have been created then disregarded and are no longer in use by anyone?
  2. God damn hate when that happens lol. People do not understand the meaning of hardcore.
  3. Is this a grief/Raid server?
  4. no raiding.... but griefing allowed? so, what, you can blow everyones stuff to hell, just make sure you dont pick up a single block!? what even?
  5. 3. No griefing! This includes 1x1 towers and tnt damage. Raiding is acceptable. 10. No raiding or chest stealing, this will result in a ban. HMMM? oh and; 1. VIP status is only 10$, a lot cheaper then most servers and we offer more content. The only way you could possibly offer more content for VIP status than any other server is by disabling MORE features for none-VIP than any other server. Check yourself.
  6. Hi, could i please be whitelisted. i really enjoy this server.
  7. Oh i see, my bad, im pretty horrible at computercraft i know little about it haha. Yeah im sure Forsvinna will answer all when theres a chance lol.
  8. Hey, im not staff, iv'e only been on the server a day or two and have not used computercraft on this server but the post/everyone iv'e spoke to says no mods are Disabled/banned or restricted. so i am assuming, Yes. That API is enabled. Also, regarding the server crash; the server began behaving as if someone was fly hacking at high speeds causing a large number of Chunks to try and load all at one time which crashed the server. (Iv'e had experience with this happening before and think that is what was going on) There is general Lag spikes then next minute crash. Couldnt say for sure though.. I'm also interested in whether there is an external forum or something similar..
  9. Tekkit lite:Ednos.net:25568

  10. One of the best servers iv'e ever played on. Hope it stays just the way it is and i would recomend this to everyone. :D
  11. Blaaaah!! having a slow ass day, didnt read all the messages above myself. no problem jets, let us know when its safe to log in again.
  12. aha, hey guys, ive been having rouble logging into harsh for the passed few weeks. coming up with all sorts of messages when i try. ( i think its something on my end) but, today when i tried to log in it tells me i am banned. ._. haha. when anybody gets a chance could they fix this please. thank you. ~Durex
  13. It's not. i've had a hectic week or so, with a holiday and my brother's down visiting and work on top of that. Been crazy as. Will defo be puttin more work in a few days, sorry for the delay guys. ;)
  14. Thanks guys, ive had a huge weekend ahaa, soundwave <3 will definitely be back on the server tomorrow morning.
  15. I'm thinking ive put alot of work into this server and ive helped a fair few people out. I'd like to be able to help out a little more.... so here goes; IGN- Durex_tears Age- 18 (19 in 2 weeks or something?) Name- Brock How long have you been on harsh?- uhhh 2months? O_o server reputation- umm at the moment id say about a 6, i mean i did accidently blow up GWharrisons base, but ive been giving those guys TONNES of stuff to rebuild. and i frequently give out items to help new players start. Okay so i dont have any "situation" questions/templates so here a little something something on what i'd do as a mod; I'd basically just welcome new players and help them out ect, and if anyone was to excessively swear/spam the chat i would first warn them of a mute, second 5-10 minute mute dependant on the severity of their actions and thirdly temp ban. (6 hours). If the player then returned and caused more problems i would double the ban (12 hours) ect after the third ban (24 hours) I would then perm ban (After discussing the issue with Bas or jetters first ofcourse) If i was to Find anyone excessivley breaking the rules, i would insta ban for a few hours before speaking to the admins about the issue. An example of why i could be a decent mod is the time when i helped fatman catch that dude who was duping/threating to hack the server and break it. Thanks for your time in reading this guys. Oh and on a side note we've been slack on the shop lately, ( It is a BIG job) but i am going away for the weekend and expect to finish it off when i return. As always, great work on the server keep it up! -Durex.
  16. lol. thats what i meant. >.> apparently i shouldnt try to help people at 3:00am haha
  17. I dont fully understand the problem, try this; In game hit the "esc" button and press "o". this toggles the display for NEI (the items on the right side)
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