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Everything posted by Durex_tears

  1. Sweet, Glad to know you are taking the time to make the server a better place for your players. Excited to have dim doors working (ill be able to stop using the nether as a linking hub. ) Good luck, hope all goes well! :D
  2. cataclysm-survival.g.akliz.net

  3. yeah well, the "Mindcrack" modpack on the ftb launcher does. a few of the other ftb modpacks do also.
  4. Ewww factions. haha. ill try to get on then. haha wow, finally a server thats based in my TMZ. xD
  5. Not sure if the server is down or i just can not connect.
  6. Maybe you should download Feed the beasts mindcrack modpack? is has both of those mods. If you have not heard of FTB it is not too different from running tekkit just download the launcher select your modpack and bam. they also have a few other fun mods not included in any of the technic launcher modpacks. :)
  7. you gotta admit that is a pretty damn awesome bug..
  8. Contrary to what that guy said this server is pretty much what you are after, The only rule is dont mess with spawn, no mods are disabled and there are no banned items. sexytech.dnsd.info (if you are still looking that is and if you are not could you let me know of any decent servers you may now know of that fit your description)
  9. Iv'e tried connecting the passed few days and get a "error" internal server shut down message pop up. ive never seen this before and have had no trouble getting on other servers. just not yours. anyone have an idea how to fix? i like the sound of this server. :)
  10. Ign: Durex-tears Whitelist please. Should make the server a public raiding server with no protections ;)
  11. This server is everyhting ive ever dreamed of. And its down! Sad. :(
  12. No. Really. IT DOES cause lag, and stop bitching. there is a warning when Clag is about to hit. Im Pretty sure an entire plugin would not be created on a misguided notion of whether or not item sprites cause lag. Server sounds awesome, will probably give it a try when i have time! *cough* get rid of towny and go hardcore *cough* ehh, think i caught that dicks cold...
  13. Dont quote me on this but i think there are some sort of programs/hacks that people use to give themselves OP i dunno if its real or what. look up "Force OP".
  14. " [1.0.6] SchemeSanctum - Factions [PvP, Grief and Raid] [120 Slots] [32GB ECC ram]" You guys need to edit this.
  15. you got one HELL of a strange profile pic for the technic forums friend. :)
  16. Server sounds awesome, sooo many people complaining. Just let the man run an awesome server in peace? Havnt tried it out yet, will prob try and get on in a week or so, havnt got much free time. Will defo Save the i.p to try later though. And a suggestion about these spawn griefing/killing issues; Why not just make a Small pretty shaped bedrock platform ( a star or something) for spawn and be done with it. if anyone logs and and cant take being killed a few times and lose NO items cause they just started. well, who wants them there anyway? only gonna be whiny little Tweenies.
  17. That would be quite amazing, I've moved on from runescape though i am quite interested in seeing the outcome of this. Maybe even add a few of the more famous dungeons and things? ahh the possibilites. quite a huge project good luck! Keep us posted.
  18. Stop whining gados? If you think you can do better at running a server, go right ahead!
  19. AwesomeI'm now getting "cant resolve hostname" Server still up?
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