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Everything posted by DSevigny

  1. *SHOCK* *HORROR* Joking? For Real? But why oh why would you ever joke about something so serious as the "fasionable young man in Toronto"? Being gay isn't something to laugh at. It's something to point out to our esteemed OP. I mean look how he felt the necessity to declare that he is on his second marriage. Maybe his instant rage is the reason for the failed first? As for your mothers sexual proclivities... we discussed those last night after she finished with the OP... LOL. (you know that my posts have been thick with sarcasm right?)
  2. My apologies Mephistos. I'll make sure to point out how I am always right. I don't post often but when I do I am obviously correct. I can't abide stupidity, even my own. The person I get most offended by is myself. I and me get quite upset with myself and often yell at myself for his failures. Right now I and me are yelling at myself for posting intelligently and with reason in such a way as to offend others. This cannot be allowed to continue. In future I will point out how the original OP is being a fool for not inviting me directly to his server (by specifying women) and how by preferring my fiancee instead he's actually killing his chances of finding people to play with. Very few women declare that they are women and he's basically asking them to "out" themselves. This would be akin to walking up to a fashionably dressed man in the "Gay Village" (Church and Gerrard in Toronto) and asking him to declare himself a homosexual. It's a good way to get arrested for harassment and assault. If it's not OK IRL, then why would it be OK on the web?
  3. Any flight simulator while connected to the VATSIM network... You'll find that you can but probably won't often do a flight without the 10 minutes of protocols and procedures.
  4. No. Semi-psuedo-public funded education usually ensures that ours (idiots) that end up on tv have some sort of brains. It's the idiots that make it to parliment or hosting the show. Great example is our esteemed Prime Minister who most often chooses not to reflect the views of his country but rather force his own, and the wonderful news reporter who tried to insist that our main subway station in Toronto experienced a Tsunami! PLEASE watch the video link here to see what a farce this is. There were a few inches of water... not a 10 ft wave. OP. You made only one mistake. You started this thread pointing out a preference for gender and then got pissed off when people called you on it. If you HONESTLY want people to take you seriously then relax, take a chill, and maybe next time invite mature players as opposed to female players (and guys too). The (and guys too) seems like a dirty after thought and is more the point of what get's people thinking your a perv. Also, remember the harder you try to deny something through the anonymity of the internet, the more people will believe the exact opposite. By getting angry and responding with not only poor grammer, but poor posting skill in general, you do not sound like someone approaching 30. You sound like someone approaching 12.
  5. As a server operator (small server) I find this whole discussion rather pointless. The OP should be aware that his posts should be directed to the 12 year olds running servers; not proper professional adults. What your REAL point Mr. Dijego is that server ops need to spend a little more time doing their configurations than just plopping down a default installation and running with it. Which has nothing to do with what you keep harping on about with the "remove EE" chorus. Really now. Why don't you get off that point, which isn't what you really want. I base this assumption that it's not what you really want on the numerous times that you've said it works okay on some servers but not without the time those operators put into their configurations. I run a small server. We have a few people that use EE, myself included, in conjunction with the other mods. We do it as a form of expansions control, my mine isn't colliding with your mine, which isn't colliding with Tommy's mine. We aren't worried about block protection because we are all trustworthy adults. Even the 6 year old that plays on our server acts like an adult. So please. Get to your real point, which is do a better job configuring your server, or shut up and get bent.
  6. I had no problems when I ran the build meant for 1.1-R4. The only glitch I ran into was with tree so I removed ChopTrees. My players loved it. Turns out that auto-felling trees wasn't that important to them.
  7. You must be operating under the pretense that common sense is common... Sorry, hate to burst your bubble like this... It's not.
  8. maybe new mod/admin rule? Only one witty comment and accompany it with a ban? Limit the number of these posts that way
  9. What about the starting sequence. Does your permissions manager get loaded correctly? Does it throw an error as well?
  10. Hello, This post serves no purpose other than to send a huge thanks to the "mostly a bunch of asshat prima donnas" who not only make this forum a rather refreshing read, but maintain the launcher and do the testing for this wonderful modpack that has revolutionized the way my server visitors look at minecraft. Tekkit is now a daily part of our conversations and may have just garnered me a promotion at work. I'm not going to get into details but it's the possibilities of Tekkit that have gotten my creative thought processes initialized and have prompted me to make several suggestions at work for possible new business avenues. So not only have you taken over my free time, you've taken over my work time too! Thanks for being who you are and good at what you do. I look forward to the future of this improvement to the MC world. That's all.
  11. QueenTashie, I too have run into bugs with the water strainer. After 4 restarts with no success we stopped the server, and did an MCEdit to remove the block. We then reuploaded the map, and started back up. Problem was gone. Water Strainers are now persona non-grata on my server.
  12. wow.,.. just wow... First off, YOU'RE A FUCKING GUEST!!!!!! You are the one that doesn't have to come here. You're the one that didn't follow the rules and then asked DEMANDED a justification. If I came to your house and shit on your coffee table would it then be okay for me to demand justification for your anger at me and why you were throwing me out of your house? Of fucking course not. Use your brain, Keller. The simple reason that there is no eta has been hashed out over and over and over again. Having been an active member in several different game communities, all on the modding or additive side, I've come across one common trend. There are NEVER ETAs. And it is ALWAYS against the rules to ask for the ETA of a mod. Even if it's not explicitly stated, it IS A BEST PRACTICE. The developers are doing this for a hobby, for their own experience and joy. Not for you. The world isn't yours. It's everyone's. Everyone is responsible for their own happiness. So take some ownership and move on. If you don't like the attitude of the responses, stop and take a couple of steps in their shoes. If you're asking the question, how many before you have asked? Now you understand why they lose it when they see the question? Still not satisfied? Then I direct your attention to the top right hand corner of this page. Enjoy. Giggle. And GOTFO.
  13. Re: Make a server for me plz rayzan this is surely the right way for a smack bottom. There are numerous cheap options out there for tekkit servers. If you can't be arsed to look em up, then what makes you think you'll be arsed enough to do all the various tasks that you MUST as an admin do?
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