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Posts posted by Jay?

  1. And on the flip side, if he's got an SSD then the black wires power the turtle containment keeping the MOSFETs (Miniatire Ocean Seeking Flying Electric Turtles) corralled. Without containment you'll start leaking memory all over the place (generally towards the closest body of water).

    Exactly. But if it's a macbook air built post-2013, the yellow and black wires are ALL extraneous, and safe to cut, but ducks will only be attracted to the small plastic cylinders. These things are so fiddly and contrived, you NEED a proper guide who has all the documentation on hand.

  2. Don't be such a scaredy cat, it's perfectly easy to remove the ducks on your own.

    OP, just open your computer (make sure you unplug it first!), and with pair of scissors (with a plastic grip), just cut any black or yellow wires you see. The ducks are mostly attracted to those, so when they're not functioning, they'll usually leave on their own.

    No way! this is exactly why you should call the manufacturer for help. I know for a fact that in a mac, the yellow wires power the turtle deterrent chipset. You may get rid of ducks, but then he'd probably get stuck with turtles!

    What's the good in getting your screen flipped the right way if the colors get inverted in the process?

  3. You need to call Apple about duck removal. Technic has a long standing issue, in that our launchers have all seemed to attract ducks into your computer.

    A competent service rep should be able to walk you through removing the ducks, but unless you're a computer expert, i don't suggest trying it without proper guidance.

  4. The buildcraft pump does take source blocks, though. The way the algorithm works is basically like this:

    Move vertically down from pump position until first liquid block found.

    Search horizontally for all adjacent liquid blocks. (The tile entity keeps a list of them.)

    Moving outward to inward (so the pool appears to drain and the block below the pump is always the last to go), remove source blocks.

    Flowing (non-source) blocks are used to find source blocks, in case the pool isn't 100% smooth (and it lets you simply connect two pools without having to add source blocks), but it does actually drain liquids. The only liquid it doesn't drain is water, because it is regenerative, but if you edit the code to make that not happen, it drains water pools too.

    If you were to leave your pump in the Nether (and maybe block off the ocean on the sides a bit so it's not millions upon millions of lava source blocks), you will eventually drain it all out.

    Really? When did that change? I know that it used to just drill down to the bottom of the pond, leaving a minecraft-goo hole.

  5. What about the Buildcraft pump do you find inadequate when it comes to lava?

    The buildcraft and IC2 pumps act more like drills, for digging through the goop that minecraft calls liquid. The non regenerative properties of lava mean that they need to be periodically moved, as they hit the bottom of whatever shallow pond they're working over. The RP2 pump had a ridiculously large range, and targeted a sourceblock for harvesting. It just felt more like a pump, due to the ability to actually drain things with it.

  6. I believe your looking for http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stop_Online_Piracy_Act

    As a mod developer, I have released my mod under the MIT license, meaning you do not have to get permission to include in a pack. I am not fully certain of the relavent copyright laws. That being said, it's a simple matter of respect. If a mod developer has asked to be asked about people using their work, you can take the time to contact them politely. After all, the last thing you want to do is fuel the fire of DRM.

    EDIT: Just to be clear, I do agree that technic can't police the modpack list. This is in response to luke.

    Yes, that very well may be your right. Until people with much more legal background, duke it out in a court and come to a decision, that's all speculation. In the end though, if that is your right (about which i have conflicting opinions), it would be your responsibility to locate the offending packs, and follow whatever procedure an artist would use to have them taken down.
  7. More importantly, it's not our place to make that correspondence anyway.the process exists the way it does for a reason. It is the responsibility of the modpack makers to get their own permissions handled, and it's the responsibility of copyright holders to monitor and enforce their copyright.

    And then, it's the responsibility of the content host to remove content, once it's been decided that copyright is being violated. Platform doesn't even host anything though. It's just a convenient index. The host would be dropbox, mediafire etc. etc.

  8. It's unlikely that there will ever be a decent modpack with Aether in it. It's compatability is really low, it's update cycle is the longest by far, and it's content isn't all that compelling to most people.

  9. Also, you failed to indicate what pack you're running. Or comply with the other server posting guidelines. Or post in the correct section.

    If your server is a vanilla serveryour ad doesn't even belong on this website, let alone this board.

  10. You should try Mother 3, the sequel to Earthbound. It was only released in Japan, but there's an unofficial English patch available. Even though it's fan-made, it's indistinguishable from a professional translation. Trust me, the translation is perfectly done, and the game is loads of fun.

    I bought a special card for my Nintendo DS with integrated hardware to emulate GBA games, just for this game. It's really that great, and might be what you're looking for.

    I can't wait until flashcarts work like that on the 3DSXL. One of my favorite things to play are pokemon romhacks, but pokemon isn't the kind of game i want to play while im sitting at my desktop.

  11. Tekkit team is ridiculous. So now we have to switch our servers again, propably crash maps due to mod incompatibility, to "old" tekkit to be able to have actual mc versions again????

    No, you don't. Tekkit lite still exists.

    and in a few months they decide to make another pack, shit on the regular tekkit again and name it "tekkit ultra" or whatever.

    And when that happens, the current tekkit will still be readily available, and noone will be forcing you to change.

    It is pretty simple. If they decide to do everything completely for free' date=' it is their decision. No one forced them to a) do it B) do it for free. So there is no "you are doing nothing for us" as they could have decided to charge for it/set anything as a requirement or whatever, but they did not.[/quote']First of all, that's irrelevant. The point that people are trying to impress upon you is that you are not buying a product, and as such are not entitled to creative control over said product.

    Fun fact, if people weren't playing it en masse, the technic pack would still exist, because it was made FOR the people who make it. They wanted to play it, and share an experience, so they did. Everyone else gets to benefit because Kaker and company are nice, and thought other people might like some cake too.


    Nobody has to choose to drop anything. Tekkit lite still exists. In fact, the final version of tekkit lite will probably be the most stable for people who are concerned with that. No more updates means no need for new generation. Long term servers will be able to keep their maps indefinitely without worry.

    Now, seriously. Nothing has been lost, and you aren't being deprived of anything, there's no reason for a hissy fit like this.

  12. You need to switch to chunky peanut butter. Mom says creamy is better, because it doesn't get stuck in your teeth, but she's a dumb-head.

    Switch to chunky and your luncher should be a lot more better.

  13. I'm afraid you don't understand how updates work. EE2 is no longer being updated. Staying on EE2 would necessitate staying behind on the last supported version of minecraft.

    That means no more new mods ever, no base code updates, nothing. Stagnation is bad, change is good.

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