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Posts posted by Jay?

  1. I switched from firefox to chrome during the period of time where firefox had a memory leak associated with flash. I always have an idle game running in the background somwewhere, so long term flash use was pretty much requisite.

    Since switching, i haven't had much reason to switch back.

  2. One of the major problems encountered in time travel is not that of becoming your own father or mother. There is no problem in becoming your own father or mother that a broad-minded and well-adjusted family can't cope with. There is no problem with changing the course of history—the course of history does not change because it all fits together like a jigsaw. All the important changes have happened before the things they were supposed to change and it all sorts itself out in the end.

    ~Douglas Adams

  3. IE 10 isn't actually bad. The only place that it lags considerably behind other browsers is in its handling of HTML5, which is atrocious.

    The problem is that for heavy, long term internet users, IE isn't worth the risk. 7-9 were shit-terrible and almost unusable, and before that, versions were always hit or miss. Firefox may not have the highest benchmarks, but it never has the lowest benchmarks. Google Chrome tends to have the best benchmarks.

  4. Does mfr or another Tekkit mod have a replacement for things like the pneumatic tubes or sorting machines? I know build craft can do it, but the redpower version was much more manipulatable. Also, I will miss frames dearly. Goodbye awesome cliff side remote controlled base!

    Applied Energistics is way cooler. It makes sorting things almost completely unnecessary.

  5. None of the mods or admins have ever made a wiki. There has never been a truly official wiki.

    This is because the individual wiki's of the individual mods are almost always more accurate and up to date.

    I'd suggest using those wiki's. The galacticraft wiki is incomplete, but most of the wiki's are up to date and very accurate.

  6. I was wondering if any one found a solution to that, the default version of Equivalent exchange in big dig seems to be missing quite a few things, including alchemical chests, energy condensers among a few other things, is there any way to update this?

    nope. Big Dig has EE3, EE2 is abandoned now. there probably isn't even a version of EE2 for that version of minecraft.

  7. Ever had two med students and a doc argue at the foot of your bed as to whether your uninsured arse suffering from massive blood loss deserves a blood pack you "obviously can't pay for"?

    I have. Hemo count 6 (normal is 16) after a bleeding ulcer, took the med students 24 hours to convince the doc to give me a single blood pack.

    Or how about making a new mother 6 days after her c-section wait 2 hours in a near empty ER after her incision site burst open and started bleeding everywhere.

    This wasn't even in Bumfuk Nowhere, where you have to wait an hour for the on call surgeon to show up for an esophageal blockage during normal business hours because he's off branding the new calves. This was UCI medical center, a couple city blocks away from disneyland.

    Fast and available my ass...

    seriously. U.S. medicine is fucked up.

    True story, I'm the one who handled both of these claims (i work at a company that checks the work of doctors in the field, to make sure things are being done properly).

    Patient A is a 17 year old girl with macro-mastasia, a legitimate medical condition that causes abnormally large breast growth. She's been on sports teams since she was 12, and was attempting to get a soccer scholarship. Because the macromastasia was impacting her daily functions to a significant degree, her parents requested a breast reduction surgery for her. They were declined based on the fact that the insurance company considered breast reduction "cosmetic", regardless of any other circumstances.

    Patient B is a 16 year old boy who took a joy ride, crashed a car, and lost a testicle. His parents requested a "prosthetic testicle", which is not a functional replacement in any way other than appearances. His claim was APPROVED, despite the procedure being clearly cosmetic, because one of the insurance companies policies stated that if a body part was lost, the claimant was eligible for a prosthetic.

  8. With the US system, you can still get care if you're dirt poor, and it's faster than 'universal health care'. Government controlled is just bleh, it's more expensive and time-consuming.

    You can't get decent care though. Having been dirt poor in the U.S. for most of my life, i can tell you that what you get is emergency care. That's it. and it doesn't come cheap either, emergency room bills are astoundingly high.

    Theres a balance that needs to be struck between affordability and quality, but the way the U.S. has been handling it is pretty gross. Doctors and surgeons get to ridiculously overcharge, insurance companies have been allowed to include bullshit ways to invalidate your claim, the whole thing is pretty mucky unless you're pretty well off.

    gods help you if you need dental work done. Chipped tooth? Extract it. Cavity? Extract it. Pain with unknown cause? Extract it.

  9. And to end my time with this site I will add one last note. The fact that I was never warned, banned, or anything punishable happened to me, for making this stupid post just goes to show how terrible your forum is, nobody wants to see this bullshit that I posted

    Actually, if you take a look around, we LOVE watching trainwrecks. We have a special place that we put the good ones.

    Yours was only mediocre. You should try harder next time.

  10. real fancy with all the bold and italics and bullshit, but i did read everything and nothing helped... the only problem i had was my internet connection sucked at school, and when i got home everything worked fine without making any changes Hint: You Guys Still Suck

    Actually, i can pretty much guarantee that your problem was the school firewall.

    Hint: You're remarkably stupid.

  11. Don't do it, our government is awful and we're stuck with it for two more years.

    consider the following:

    U.S. government has set itself up in such a way that a vocal minority is capable of consistently outperforming it's opponent majority. In this way, we have granted ourselves the ability to work very hard all the time, and yet never accomplish anything.

    At least backward motion would teach us a damn lesson now and then. But we don't even get that. It's all "business as usual" every election cycle.

  12. wow, this whole community is great... nope not at all. browsing through other posts, I see a lot of assholes that are only sarcastic and don't input any useful comments, just make fun of how stupid people are... that's why stupid people like us post here. FOR HELP. this site is terrible and the people on it are assholes. next time i have a problem i'll just figure it out myself..

    Fun fact: the vast majority of needling and sarcasm are is directed at people who failed to read one of three things. The rules, the stickied threads, or the section descriptions.

    Oh and also, people who come in and try to tell us how to run our own forum. Can't forget them.

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