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Everything posted by Eclipze

  1. Username: Eclipze Age: 19 Why Tekkitopia? Been looking for a serious and mature tekkitlite server for a long time. (cudos to whoever designed your logo aswell, I really like it.) Your secret code: 7Ecl
  2. Name: Sebastian Minecraft Username: Eclipze Age: 19 Preffered Tekkit Mod: IC2 Are you banned in any server(Y/N): No Looking for a great server and hope this is the one!
  3. Some work could probably be done on the representation of this server. No lag atleast =)
  4. Having the same problem, can't join server cause mods missing
  5. IGN - Eclipze Age - 19 Looking for a good tekkit server and would like to check this one out!
  6. Well, it's actually a paid hosting service (orbitblade.com) that im using. im guessing they run either windows or perhaps linux(?). not really sure. Should i try to contact them regarding this or is there any way to try to find out what's causing this?
  7. Hello. Im running a tekkit SMP server and it seems like we've run into a little problem with energylevels on ic2 tools and storage units. The issue is that when a player logs out, the tools in his inventory (like electric wrench, chainsaw, etc) resets their energylevels back to 0. from the looks of it, this does not happen if the item in question is in a chest. energystoring devices like MFSU's and MFE's also seems to reset when chunk is unloaded (like when a player logs out). I don't know if this is tekkit or plugin related. any help would be greatly appreciated! we run the following plugins Towny Worldguard Worldedit BOSeconomy nolagg worldborder essentials Signshop // Eclipze
  8. remember to check the website out http://exotekkit.webs.com/
  9. Well, Yes and no. since we're not using GP anymore i could not keep the map. so the server won't be hosting it anymore, but im putting it up for download for anybody who wants to play on it themselfs. here is the link: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/58474627/world.rar
  10. Hello I experiencign a problem when im trying to configure Towny for my tekkit server. Im trying to add stuff with ID's like 250:1 or 250:2 and so on, the problem im having is when i add that to the config under protection.switch_ids i get an error that the server cannot load the file. I have tried entering them as 250:1 and 250.1 Any help would be greatly appreciated. / Eclipze
  11. The server was supposed to be up yesterday, but again, ISP issues prevented this, this is why i have decided im going to switch to an external hosting company (like tekkithost or similar) as for your question regarding splitting, No, unfortunally there is no way to make the system like that with the signshop (or any other shop plugin I know of), if anybody knows a plugin that is capable of that, please tell me.
  12. [iNFO] Im taking down the server for a couple of days to try to fix the performance issues. sorry for the inconvenicene caused. / Eclipze
  13. No news yet, they only give me the same bullshit that they are working on resolving it, Im thinking about changing ISP since my current have been quite unstable on the latest time. IF that would be the case, the IP of the server would change, so keep an eye on this thread guys.
  14. Yes, Unfortunally that is the case. My ISP is experiencing operational problems in the enire region where I live, they assured me they are "Working to resolve the problem as fast as possible". Sorry for the inconvenience. I will post again when the server is avaliable - Eclipze
  15. we had some problems with corrupted chunks, but they are fixed now! enjoy the server!
  16. Server was down due to problems with ISP, all fine now though
  17. We now have Essentials' Signshops! Apply for a permit today! Also decided to whitelist computercraft and worldanchors due to performance strain.
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