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Everything posted by Richs_Yard

  1. Of course it has a number! The launcher always has a number
  2. Grammar, Grammer, Gramar, Gramer!

  3. Oh really? Did you check the forums.
  4. I will post as long as I am able to do so. Do not try to stop me.
  5. Youre insulting MY grammar? You do not capitalize your letters in the slightest, you start sentences with and, you have MULTIPLE spelling errors. Fix yourself before trying to fix someone else.
  6. Solution: Turn off your AV when updating/downloading it.
  7. Please explain to me how my grammar is not good?
  8. From your grammar, you see to be the Third Grader. You sir, are more pathetic than I am.
  9. Ned you forgot The Launcher is allergic to you The Launcher is taking the day off You installed Vanilla and it was named something else
  10. Obviously you have not, you else you wouldnt be insulting her.
  11. I cant stand idiots who do not post correctly. Plus how can you hate Helen Keller?
  12. Hmm... Did you check to see if there was a solution already?
  13. That sir, still is not nice. Please refrain from insulting me. I am but a poor baby.
  14. That sir, is not nice. Please refrain from calling people such things.
  15. This... prime example, just... I nominate for Idiot of the week
  16. Rich's_Yard; To useless for the forums since 1945

  17. Well I have been an admin for multiple servers, and co-owner for a handful. I am quite familiar with commands and managing people.
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