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About LaUgHiN_gUy

  • Birthday 06/25/1994

LaUgHiN_gUy's Achievements


Grass (2/9)



  1. IGN:Short_Guy_LaUgH Age:17 Country: U.S.A Est Tekkit Experience: Meh, Im alright Reason or Reasons for wanting to join?: I'm looking for a small active server without violent just to play on to have fun. If I like your application I will get back to you with the server IP in pm.
  2. IGN:Short_Guy_LaUgH AGE:17 Maturity Level:I'm mature, I kid around sometimes as well Favorite Mods:IC2 woop! Why do you want to join:Larger servers are way to violent I was a nice server to settle down on and active people on as well.
  3. Me and a friend of mine would love to join. Minecraft names: Short_Guy_LaUgH & Ghostmanryan Wonderful names right? Haha. Real Names: Michael & Ryan Reason we want to join? We enjoy small server we had a server we called home but sadly it was shut down. We have a company to make thing more awesome! Haha, we would love to start creating a factory on your server! Ages: 15 & 14 Thanks for your time! Any questions just inbox me!
  4. Me and a friend of mine would love to join. Minecraft names: Short_Guy_LaUgH & Ghostmanryan Wonderful names right? Haha. Real Names: Michael & Ryan Reason we want to join? We enjoy small server we had a server we called home but sadly it was shut down. We have a company to make thing more awesome! Haha, we would love to start creating a factory on your server! Ages: 15 & 14 Thanks for your time! Any questions just inbox me!
  5. IGN: Short_Guy_LaUgH Age: 15 Reason for joining: Seems like a tekkit server I can actually have fun on and not get killed by overpowered people. Have you read the rules: Yes. Tekkit experience:I've been playing it off and on, but I just got back into it.
  6. Minecraft Name:Short_Guy_LaUgH Do you have any bans on record?Nope. If so, Why?
  7. IGN: Short_Guy_LaUgH Age: 16 Skype(optional): Yes, If I am accepted just inbox me and ill send it to you. Tekkit experience(1-10): 7 Time Zone: Eastern Time US How much time do you plan on playing per day? Ehh. Weekday it about 5 hours weekends about 5-10 Hours unless Im doing something. The build you are most proud of? A Factory with Coffee and Guns Why do you think our server is right for you?It seems like a great community and I enjoy the 15 slots.
  8. 1: IGN? Short_Guy_LaUgH 2: Reason For Joining? I just want to join a calm community, and this one looks like what im looking for. 3: Would You Ever Consider Donating? Maybe 4: Have You Voted At http://minestatus.net/50325-legittekkit ? Yes.
  9. Minecraft Name:Short_Guy_LaUgH Why you would like to join the community here at SilliTekkit: I like the idea of no pvp. And it seems like a great all around community. Do you have any bans on record?No. If so, Why?N/A How long will you be able to play on SilliTekkit? About 5 hours on weekdays and depends on weekends.
  10. Member App: IGN:Short_Guy_LaUgH Age:15 Country/Timezone:Eastern/U.S.A Tekkit Experience: I'm not a pro , But also not a noob Reason for joining:Just seems like a good all around server. Have you read the rules:Yes. How long have you played tekkit: What you feel you can contribute: I can make Factories/Towns/etc. Time you can contribute to the server:Umm about 5 hours on weekdays and weekends it depends.
  11. Your In Game Name:Short_Guy_LaUgH Your Age:15 How often are you planning on playing: Ehhh... I stop playing for a bit ,now im getting back into it. For experienced players, the structure you are most proud of building:I dont have a screenshot , But I have built many factories. For new players, what are you hoping to achieve on Verve:Just to have fun, without being griefed. For everyone, why do you think Verve is the server for you: Because, its what I have been looking for.
  12. IGN: Short_Guy_LaUgH Age: 15 Reason for joining: Just want to have fun. Have you read the rules: Yes. Tekkit experience: I've been playing tekkit awhile, but I just got back into it.
  13. 1- In-game Name : Short_Guy_LaUgH 2- Experience in Minecraft :I'm experienced. 3- Experience in Tekkit : I dont know everything, but I know a bunch. 4- What you wish to see in the server :Umm, just allowing people to have fun. 5- Have you read the rules? : Yes. 6- Do you have skype?Yes - Yes : What is it?mike-m-a-r - No : Too bad 7- What is the secret word? ;Maniumox
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