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Everything posted by Shoopboi

  1. No, I help people, I only grief douchebags, and you're not a douchebag.
  2. I've been getting "Can't reach server" the entire day, is it just me or is the server down?
  3. As member of the staff, you are pulling this out of your ass, I didn't even join the server, if the owner isn't mature, the staff must not be either.
  4. I never lagged the server, and YOU started the things with ME, I was helping you with teaching you how to use the Merc. Eye and you started throwing a hissy fit.
  5. Could you please unban me? EDIT: And also is there a place where I can donate to the server?
  6. For one, no one is called "shoo boi", two, I can barely understand you, three let's break it down 1. Wasn't cocky 2. Not a Nazi symbol 3. I didn't attract attention 4. I didn't set off the bomb, and a mod didn't ask me 5. I'm not playing word games 6. Not trying to start any fights, if you would have payed attention the mod did, kiss-ass 7. Who the fuck brought up demoting? 8. Excuse me I don't understand you 9. It was random, along with everything else I've seen Hall do. You JUST joined and I'm a very popular player, and you're trying to become popular by kissing the mods ass, but you're kissing the wrong mods ass instead of donating. ---- Anyway, I had an extra $60 and I didn't know what to spend it on, but since the mods are so corrupted and the owner doesn't care, I'll just spend it on hats.
  7. I am literally laughing at how idiotic the owner is.
  8. This server is anything but mature.
  9. I want a dislike button just for this post and server.
  10. But being smart is my only quality, I might as well be an ass as well.
  11. Hall has randomly banned me twice, randomly kicked me five times, randomly muted me twice, flamed and trolled, and is just generally abusing his powers.
  12. "Servers great for trollers recommend it" "Get rid of Anarchy" Excusemewhat Edit: I'm also on the brink of leaving due to idiots, and by idiots, I mean the mods.
  13. While the servers down I'll write a review Pros No banned items Anarchy Friendly players Few bans Generous owner Good map Cons 10 player limit Crashes(rare) take awhile to get back up Anarchy Lack of factions Overall a good server 8.5/10 (Tekkit server average is 3.5/10)
  14. I placed 10 Novas.Level 1 Novas.Earlier the admin who banned me said "This is anarchy, he can do it" for someone who broke 10x2 chunks infront of spawn with intent to crash the server, only banning after the explosion, I place 10 Novas, and I get banned.
  15. Was a nice server until I got randomly banned. Great server, problem solved.
  16. No banned mods List of banned items CC and Redstone is banned.
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