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Everything posted by Tyl3r684

  1. I was told I am storing to much, what do you think? xD I was also planning on making more...
  2. You don't need ALL that for one person, seems like an advertisement..
  3. no no no, The reactor is POWERING the forcefield to keep it running!
  4. So this is my setup for power on force field, is it as efficient as it can be?
  5. But also on a more serious note, I'l be your friend, PM me if you want a private tekkit server to play on, just me and 2 others right now! **To moderator(s), gang I forgot the no memes rule, punish me if you must. Mod Edit: *pfft*
  6. I personally like Tekkit for the fact it has SP and MP, while Technic has really creative mods for SP, hard to say what you REALLY prefer, what do you guys say?
  7. Who said I was talking about you? Witch I am not, but still directing it towards yourself?
  8. It's a private server with me and my real life best friend, no one is robbing xD
  9. I had a gold chest when all the items in it randomly disappeared. Does anyone know how to get the itmes back or have had this problem.?
  10. It means you can join a "cracked server" meaning you have not bought MC legitimately.
  11. I wonder how this this got here! But seriously I am looking for someone to play tekkit with privately 1 other person Thread here -> http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/would-someone-like-to-play-tekkit-with-me.22495/
  12. I would say that %80 of normal mc servers that use hamachi are cracked.
  13. I was talking to some earlier about there server and they said, would you like to join, m ebeing nice and saying, sure! They gave me a name and password, and say join that hamachi network, I was like oh man, is it a cracked server? They replied, No but hamachi makes it lag less and it's a bunch easier to use. I was like *FACEPALM* Any thoughts on this?
  14. ^Auto feeder and renewer!
  15. He can you review my post in Tekkit SMP with the topic "Would someone like to play with me" and tell me if that is in the wrong spot or not. Thank you.

    And look at the newest post on the thread, I explain why I do not think it should be in advertisements, please correct me or the other guy. Thank you a bunch!

  16. Alright that makes more sense, thank you a bunch!
  17. I honestly don't mean to correct you, but I would not be doing a LP I am explaining how to play tekkit and what everything means, I think it should be in this section.
  18. I am making a video series that is the basics of tekkit for anyone how does not understand it, I am ask you guys what order should I make the videos in, like start with machines, rubber, OR do A video for a cretin Mod? Please leave me a suggestion below!
  19. I would have a few plugins like essentials, but EE is completely off, CPU load is no problem and excellent bandwidth, I have had 15 - 20 players with no lag on The WallPvP map before with 11 plugins.
  20. How many players could 1gb of dedicated RAM hold? Thank you!
  21. If you do find anyone to help you getting going watch this series to get some info on tekkit! ^That is episode one, just continue :)
  22. I need to get better with all of Tekkit, I am not a "noob" I would say average, but that right there..looks amazing! Mind if I steal design? :D
  23. Here is my finished product, *note* I did not worry about space
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