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Everything posted by Tyl3r684

  1. Age: 17 IGN (In Game Name): Tyl3r684 Why do you want to play on this Server?: I need a new server since coming back to Tekkit, and this one seems to be perfect. What Do you want to Build?: A factory completely ran on free labor by Chinese children, but a moon base would be nice too.
  2. Exactly what I needed. Thank you
  3. It makes mines more realistic. Having to actually do more then go to 12 - 14 and strip mining c:
  4. I mean that as to, Tekkit Classic was developed a long time. And I'm just curious if that is the case with this one, or is it going to be like Lite? Sorry for sounding stupid. ^_^
  5. It's now thaumcraft messing up.
  6. I have edited a few config files to allow Forestry to work.
  7. Thaumcraft is really not my friend, why is causing it to kill my world/server? http://pastebin.com/Xt44Cg79
  8. I don't mind at all that it's gone, IC2 has a Jenkins with 1.5.1, but that is not the point. If you want it SO bad you can't live without it, just manually add it. And get over it.
  9. Delete the mod from the mod files in the server, then it wont load the mod, meaning no one can use it, like it don't exist. They can still have it installed and be fine.
  10. In shorthand, it uses Forge API so they can update the mods ANYTIME they want because they do not need to wait for someone to'hack' it for Bukkit, like Tekkit Classic, this means they can keep these mods updated a lot more and get new content faster from modders, now fro servers, there IS Bukkit plugin integration so this is pretty much an always updating version of tekkit.
  11. I now have Wooden to the quarry still no luck, should I put wooden on the Energy Bridge? Wooden pipe on the bride works now thank you!
  12. So here is my setup any idea why it will not run?
  13. Also, this works for never versions, if you update your Tekkit you MAY have to redo this.
  14. Oh yeah I just remember they have that block!
  15. I finally figured out how to get IC2 AND RedPower Ores with NO CONFLICTS. Let me begin... For RedPower Copy my config into yours, all it does is set generation form 0 to 1 there is no block conflicts with that. Link: http://pastie.org/5860279 Fount at:: C:\Users\*Username here*\AppData\Roaming\.techniclauncher\tekkitlite\config\redpower The file is called Redpower.cfg You can edit it with any text editor, just delete all of it's contents and paste in my config. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For IC2 (The one I like) Copy my config into yours, all it does is set generation form false to true there is block conflicts.I have already edited them, they are ready to go. Copper ore is 2442 and Tin ore is 2244 Link: http://pastie.org/5860436#9 Found at.: C:\Users\*Username*\AppData\Roaming\.techniclauncher\tekkitlite\config The file is called IC2.cfg You can edit it with any text editor, just delete all of it's contents and paste in my config. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For server... You do, the same exact thing find your server configs. \config\IC2.cfg \config\redpower And replace them with mine, then you are set, let your users change there IDs, refer them to this post and you can have ALL 3 types of ore spawning without conflicts! **REMEMBER** Use a Forge Lexicon to get all of the same type of copper and tin, I recommend IC2.
  16. Easier thing to do is activate RedPower 2 Copper and Tin as well as IC2, so it's generating like it should be.
  17. Nether Diamond is REALLY nice, get a LapPack or 2, grab your Diamond Tipped Drill and go mining I easily get 1 stack of diamonds an hours Also give or take for my luck.
  18. I hate to say this, but am I the only one that does not like EE? I know it's a REALLY good mod, but it seems OP to me, yes I know I may get hate but, well I just don't like it that much. :|
  19. Here's one thing I have noticed, people always complain because "OH TECHNIC DOESNT SUPPORT THE CODERS" BUT, think about that for a second, these mod makers made these mods by CHOICE, they did not have to send hours upon hours on GUI, code, bug fixes, etc. IT was their choice. I know this seems rude, but they made the mods for everyone to use, why not compile them, it's not like they were FORCED to make that mod, it was their choice So to all the people saying oh we don't support them, well, did they ever really support themselves? Like it's funny how people get mad over something people made by choice. That was my 2 cents.
  20. I think it was better going with a Froge API so that you can update the mods whenever you want if it's still the same MC version, I expect the "version number" to pass Tekkit Classic because of the ease to update.
  21. Okay so we all loved Tekkit Classic because of bukkit plugin support, right? You know so we can have a server and all of those neat-o plugins that vanilla Minecraft gets to use. Now with the addition of Tekkit Lite I was happy to see that it is forge, why you may as. Well because you can update forge mods without having to "hack" the .jar so that bukkit will use it, and hopefully we may have a bukkit "hack" sooner or later letting us make larger open servers for Tekkit lite. Thanks for reading!
  22. I do not know if it is possible, but. I need a pipe that will equally divide coal into these. Like a chest with an engine pumping to it, then like 2 to the first, 2 to the second pie, etc. Is there any way to do that? Thank you!
  23. Geo thermal generators, Easier then collecting it every time.
  24. I have Redstone Engines under them, pumping into Geo's ;D
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