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Everything posted by angeleon898

  1. Things are all good come and join whenever you will be welcomed by everyone.
  2. These daggers are becoming unbelievably annoying cant wait for them to stop.
  3. The better the hardware the better the server :3
  4. that makes alot of sense we just have to wait and find out
  5. are we gonna do some protection to the player markets or just fix griefs if they get attacked.
  6. Server logos are a bitch to make at times and sometimes there easy as hell
  7. Well if we didnt have mrsbabe spamming mobs at spawn making people lag and die we might get some players back....
  8. this is going to be helpful now people should stop and they might get the point...
  9. yeah i was there it almost killed me D_D. now who has a house near mine.....
  10. all i can say is drfate your an ass hole who never listens to anyone and no one responds to you because you never stfu when your questions has been answered alot. imnotcrazy777 is right you are from a group of try hard griefers and trolls. you should just leave and never come back. or learn about not being a ignorant pain in the ass.
  11. ya know i kinda like you on the server your nice to everyone and you like to help those in need. i have witnessed this many times.
  13. well things going great and im about to donate for diamond cause tungsten is not up yet so yeah you should be expecting 60$ pretty soon.
  14. well i know of one but i dont think the JWL tekkit restrict will allow it
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