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Everything posted by no2ironman1100

  1. i think we can get ressource by searching for them in the city in chest , we can't break block by hand but we need the game to give us tools , and also you can ge tthem from the last city you visit , they're would be different technology so some city would have no problem but they will ask you to help them to get highter in tech to a certain point ( but before that of course for realistic sake we need first to also upgrade the labotory so you can get some people to research) i think that would be cool also custom npcs mod(install the whole jar file in mods. not modjar or minecaft.jar) so they're would be labotory to research and even if the player has the ressource he can't craft certain object which he will can when researching (a sign will show you you can now make that in this world.) also remembering back in the tools thing you would depending on the tools can break different material , red matter pick can break any stone block then the dark matter one breaks diamonds and gold block ONLY(not ore) then diamond one break obsidian and brick. then the iron one break coal iron , and stuff like that they all break different stuff and red matter breaks all.
  2. IGN: no2ironman1100 Age: 13 location : Europe(france) Have you read and agree to the rules : Yes Have you played tekkit before ?: YES of course dude ! Have you signed up on our forums/website(not required to !): i don't think i need.
  3. such* typing error sorry
  4. nice ! can you then make a adventure map because you look good at redstone , a suck small system for something like that !
  5. D: i though this would be a map with epic torture that take like 2 hour but only 30 minute... do you know about any kind of void born map for this version of technic
  6. WARNING SPOILER -{SPOILER}- SKIP THIS COMMENT IF YOU DONT WANT TO SEE THE WAY BECAUSE IT WOULD RUIN THE MAP AND MAKE IT EASY ! -{spoiler}- {SPOILER} look your inventory very closely the're is another way to get iron other than the bucket
  7. dude can you make it like feed the beast but WITHOUT skyblock thing so then it would be like going trough dimension"which is cities from different world" and rebuild the destroyed building (not really just only putting block and a system detect if they're all have pass trough and then emit a redstone signal to a green lamp to say *OK you have the stuff to rebuild this building* then the building would be *activated* and will produce ressource (for example a house is only for living in it if you are in multiplayer) and some industries to rebuild
  8. i don't have a transmutation tablet = can't transmute stuff to get basic one so then i need to craft one but then i don't have a philosopher stone so i need diamond and glowstone , and i go down to the nether but then AGAIN i don't have any diamond and nether diamonds are a pain in the ass to get
  9. server administration : 1/10 i understand how it work and do all the thing but it won't work i think it's because of the computer or me doing something wrong because they're no tutorial for windows multiplayer and i don't want a mac , skill level at technic : 9.5/10 because i don't know so much at programing only enough to make a redpower flying ship and i'm not very good at thaumcraft they're not any helpfull tutorial
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