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Everything posted by Notvis

  1. Guest: prefix: '[Guest]' default: true options: rank: '1000' permissions: - essentials.help - essentials.rules - essentials.motd - modifyworld.chat Member: prefix: '&2[Member]&f ' inheritance: - Guest permissions: - modifyworld.* - essentials.help - essentials.rules - essentials.motd - essentials.afk - essentials.back - essentials.back.ondeath - essentials.depth - essentials.delhome - essentials.help - essentials.home - essentials.kit - essentials.kit.tools - essentials.list - essentials.mail - essentials.mail.send - essentials.motd - essentials.msg - essentials.ping - essentials.r - essentials.rules - essentials.seen - essentials.sethome - essentials.signs.use.disposal - essentials.spawn - essentials.suicide - essentials.tpa - essentials.tpaccept - essentials.tpahere - essentials.tpdeny - stargate.use - stargate.create - stargate.destroy - modifyworld.chat options: rank: '900' VIP: prefix: '&6[V.I.P]&f ' inheritance: - Member build: true permissions: - essentials.help - essentials.rules - essentials.motd - modifyworld.* options: rank: '800' expert: prefix: '&5[Expert]&f ' build: true permissions: - modifyworld.* - essentials.help - essentials.rules - essentials.motd - essentials.afk - essentials.back - essentials.back.ondeath - essentials.depth - essentials.delhome - essentials.help - essentials.home - essentials.kit - essentials.kit.tools - essentials.list - essentials.mail - essentials.mail.send - essentials.motd - essentials.msg - essentials.ping - essentials.r - essentials.rules - essentials.seen - essentials.sethome - essentials.signs.use.disposal - essentials.spawn - essentials.suicide - essentials.tpa - essentials.tpaccept - essentials.tpahere - essentials.tpdeny - stargate.use - stargate.create - stargate.destroy - essentials.help - essentials.rules - essentials.motd - modifyworld.* - worldguard.region.wand - worldguard.region.claim - worldguard.region.addowner.member.* - worldguard.region.removeowner.member.* - worldguard.region.removemember.member.* - worldguard.region.addmember.member.* - modifyworld.chat options: rank: '700' Moderator: prefix: '&1[Mod]&f ' inheritance: - VIP permissions: - modifyworld.chat - modifyworld.* - essentials.nick - essentials.nick.color - essentials.sethome.multiple.staff - essentials.helpop - essentials.home.others - essentials.nick - essentials.warp - essentials.warp.list - worldguard.* - permissions.user.promote.* - permissions.user.demote.* options: rank: '100' Admin: prefix: '&4[Admin]&f ' inheritance: - Moderator permissions: - modifyworld.* - permissions.* - essentials.gamemode - essentials.give - essentials.god options: rank: '50' HelpDirector: prefix: '&f[&bHelp &fDirector]&f ' inheritance: - Admin options: rank: '22' WarDirector: prefix: '&7[&2WAR! &7Director]&f ' inheritance: - Admin options: rank: '21' Owner: prefix: '&6[Owner]&f ' inheritance: - Admin permissions: - modifyworld.* - permissions.* - '*' options: rank: '1' I cleared up your Inheritances some and fixed your nickname permission, you had the wrong one put in there if you're trying to use Essentials nicknames (you had nicknames.nick*). And maybe your promotion wasn't working because of the inheritance as well? Anyways, see if that setup above works for you!
  2. This is actually what I was referring to in my above post. The blacklist doesn't seem to accept tekkit block IDs, only vanilla ones.
  3. Has anyone had any luck making the deployer blacklist work? Im trying to block placement of a couple items which I cant seem to block, particularly the RM and DM blocks.
  4. Also remember that you need to do /trust [RedPower] inside claims for block breakers and other redpower stuff that modifies blocks to work. Same subdivision rules for these apply, these are actually more important as someone could place a blockbreaker outside a claim and break blocks that are at the edge of the claim.
  5. Heres what i used for a little bit on my server, but i couldn't get it to work on anything but default configs. It was still pretty cool though, and it supports vault so you can use pretty much any eco plugin with it. Plugin Name: Mob Bounty Reloaded BukkitDev Link: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/mobbountyreloaded/ Description: Configurable drops, rewards, and fines for killing mobs, players, animals. Has option to not count mobspawners, and other anti cheating/exploit functions. Tekkit Compatibility: I used this on my server very briefly when it was version 210 (it is now v235). I could not get it to keep my configs in any of the configuration files, but im sure thats changed as its in version 235. During the time I played around with it though, it worked just as intended but with default configs. I would've kept it if my changes to the configs would've stuck. But give it a try and see if you have better luck than me!
  6. Haha, no problem man! I got the same feeling the first time i used GriefPrevention and I was like "WTH QUARRIES ARENT BUILDING!?" But glad I could help, and ive never used EasyEssentials, but have you tried Essentials? Essentials includes functions that EasyEssentials has with more to add, and most features can be disabled as the plugin is split into packages. Anyways, a hint for the quarries and GriefPrevention claims. If users trust buildcraft to their main claim, that means someone could quarry their entire house with landmarks. So what you really want is for users to subdivide their claim, and then trust buildcraft only to the subdivision. That way the person that wanted to landmark someones house and quarry it, wouldn't be able to place the landmarks or quarry in the appropriate locations to do so.
  7. Oh, thats EasyEssentials stopping the op command from going to the actual console I think. Try removing EasyEssentials and then see if it'll let you OP them. Also since you're using GriefPrevention, quarries and such inside of a claim have to be trusted, so you have to do /trust [buildCraft] while standing in the claim for quarries to work inside that claim. Side note, why use EasyEssentials when the Essentials plugin is out, and does the same things but much more used and supported? Heres a link to that http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/essentials/
  8. Which tekkit server version? And what plugins do you have installed? Gonna see if I can replicate your problem.
  9. What are you typing to add them? Just "/op [buildcraft]"? Have you tried adding em to the ops.txt and see if that works? This is strange, as I just deop'd my buildcraft and re-op'd it in console with no issues with "/deop [buildCraft]" and "/op [buildCraft]" commands.
  10. I have a couple of these in my console also, doesn't seem to phase anything so I just ignore em.
  11. Try OPing [buildcraft] and see if they work after that.
  12. I use GriefPrevention on my own server, and as far as the region expanding underground, that depends on the "extendintoground" value you have set. That "extendintoground" value is how far it'll extend in when the claim/region is created. But the clever thing about griefprevention, is that when you dig further down inside the region or claim it will automatically expand your claim! You can always check your protected regions by right clicking a stick, but like I said; if you dig down or make a basement within your current claim it should expand automatically. And yeah as fabricator77 said, essentials will have the functions youre looking for in the last half of your message. Theres also a list started here with some useful plugins! http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/plugin-recommendation-station.18814/
  13. Maybe the fakeuser [RedPower] if your block breakers and deployers and such isn't working.
  14. Plugin Name: GriefPrevention BukkitDev Link: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/grief-prevention/ Description: Very easy to use self serve region protection! Has support for subdivisions, container trust, full trust, or just door/button access trust! Stops lava, fire spread, ability to disable use of water/lava outside claims, and stops explosion damage above sea level; even stops most tekkit explosions (nukes, reactors, engines) with exception to nova cataclysm and catalyst. The plugin can use either flatfile or database for data storage (blocks earned, claims). Pretty much everything in the plugin can be toggled on or off if you don't want a certain function. Also has support for dynmap to show claims, claim owner, and the people that are trusted into claim. Theres a few more features that i forgot to mention, but most importantly the author of the plugin seems to listen to the tekkit crowd as the modded item list was a product of that! Tekkit Compatibility: Very compatible with tekkit as of recent patches. You must use version 5.5.1! Previous versions had a buggy mod item list, that would wipe itself but only wipe the mod items, nothing else in config. It protects claims from everything except the nova catalyst/cataclysm, and computer craft turtles. I can't say much for the EE red matter or dark matter tools as I don't have those enabled in my server. I highly recommend this as a set it and forget it region protection plugin! Ive been using it since 2.1.1, and it still impresses me as I use it more. Its definitely worth watching a few of the videos the author made on it.
  15. Yep, in this post. http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/problems-with-starting-tekkit-under-suse.11863/#post-90302
  16. Thank you for figuring this out!! Worked for me on my Ubuntu box! Now I can finally have Wireless Redstone on my server again! To clarify on what "ItsCriminal" figured out to fix this. 1. Unzip Tekkit server on windows OS. 2. Run Tekkit server on windows OS, verify that the mods work. 3. Zip Tekkit server folder from windows OS. 4. Upload and unzip Tekkit server file you got from windows OS onto linux OS. 5. Launch Tekkit server on linux and it should work!
  17. Same error I had, and the above fix did not work for me. It also does not work if you don't even touch/edit the config file. So editing the file with "an editor like VI" does not break this. It does not work regardless of line endings. Previous thread with similar/identical problem.. http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/severe-errors-starting-linux-server-tekkit-3-03-using-java-7.9754/
  18. Doesnt matter.

  19. This still doesn't fix it, as it automatically changes em to CR/LF line endings if they were LF line endings in the first place (verified with notepad++). Would be great if someone had any input as to why it doesnt work? Is there a fix for this that I missed somewhere?
  20. Does anyone happen to know what to put in the configuration file for "item name" for the items - emerald, sapphire, ruby, and bronze axes? This is for ChopTree2. Edit - Never mind, figured it out. Emerald - x1284 Sapphire - x1285 Ruby - x1286 Bronze - x30199
  21. Would anyone have any idea as to why wireless redstone wont load for us two? Ive tried changing the zip file name to change the loading order and such but can never get it to load. Whats going on with it? I can post my log if you want but its the same as the other guy.
  22. Had the same problem but I removed wireless redstone (from mods folder); it at least lets the server run, so try that and see if it works. Let me know if you get wireless redstone working though, id love to be able to use it again!
  23. used this fix http://forums.technicpack.net/index.php/topic,4645.0.html And it fixed my problem. It also keeps NEI working!
  24. Your uploaded class file worked perfectly! Thanks for the fix! For other users, THIS DOES NOT BREAK NEI. You WILL still be able to grab items! Again to OP, great job and thanks!
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