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Everything posted by doofer4

  1. I apologize didn't realize I was unbanned from website.
  2. I would have appealed on website but I was banned from that aswell.
  3. Hello I used to be a donor on this server a long time ago until an old mod Mia had banned me. I know what I did was wrong and I apologize for my actions back then I would appreciate if you would consider allowing me back on the server. I never stole or did anything causing any harm on the server Mia just put me in jail 4 times. Then I wrote on the website about her being a terrible mod and an awful tyrant overcome with the power of being a mod. That is why I was banned if you are wondering. I also didn't use the nicest of language.
  4. Looking forward to new changes in server cant wait to see what awaits :D
  5. I was just about to get back on and start up factory. Dissapointing because its the best server possible on tekkit
  6. What is with all the crashes???? amazing server but i mean come on now how am I supposed to enjoy it when i can't play it - Gubeast
  7. Hello my in game name is Gubeast I currently just started playing on your server and figured i could offer a few suggestions. First suggestion is these plugins - Multiverse - Quarantine - Player rider - Disco sheep - LWC - Tree assist - Simple backup - Essentials - Cannons - Buycraft - CoreProtect - DisguiseCraft - Citizens - Hawkeye - Mobcathcer - Mobbounty - Payday - Deathtpplus - Protection stones - Citizens - SpamGuard - Tickets - Warnings - Towny They allow a lot more opportunity and play into the game and are all also very fun. I am also 100% sure they will bring in more players as people are looking for a large amount of fun plugins. Second suggestion A new ranking system where you need to complete certain tasks/build certain machines that will allow you to rank up and unlock more items. Higher level machines that produce emc or deal with emc for example should be unlocked only at higher ranks. An example of a requirement for a rank is for example you have the rank of Engineer and the requirement to rank up to that rank is build all 4 advanced machines. The players will have to gather the materials and build the machines themselves and not purchase them through trade or money with other players. Third Suggestion Start off with a lower number of slots until more players join the server to a point at which the server will constantly be to full and players will beg for more slots! Thank you for your time I hope you think to look over and review my suggestions and take them into consideration, Gubeast
  8. Why is server not working? i try to log on and all i get is a blank white screen? says 37 people online
  9. IGN: Gubeast AGE: 17 HAVE YOU EVER BEEN KICKED / BANNED FROM A SERVER AND WHY?: Kicked once because my mod friend was messing with me feel free to ask him he is a mod on GFGAMING. WHY DO YOU LIKE TEKKIT? It is so much more fun and challanging than the normal vanilla minecraft. WHAT CAN YOU BRING TO THE COMMUNITY? I'm very good architecturally and I am very good with machines, EE, farms, etc. I can also bring maturity and a lot of fun. I hate griefers and immature kids its annoying to play with them and try to develope and play on a fun server when your house is being destroyed or things are being stolen.
  10. Did what steal their achlemy bags? I still have both of mine
  11. That sucks howd u lose em by doing sumthing stupid? 0.0
  12. That sucks man how bout this if it is rollbcked ill give ya sum materials to build ur system and ill help ya build it
  13. If it rollbacks thats good if u had things in chests earlier because you will get them back in the chests or duplicated if they are on you
  14. Just as im about to build more onto my house and fend off the mobs -.-
  15. We already just had one and just because your a low rank you want everyone to restart and lose their advantages because your lower when they worked hard for their ranks
  16. do i post it or is there a pm ability becuz it says i can only email you
  17. YEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS THANKS BLACKIE!! and i have a question should I pm you?
  18. down again just after rollback destroys all i did and have to repair dammitz >.<
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