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Everything posted by o1do121

  1. change the 3g and 2 g to 1g using notpad
  2. check out my youtube channel boba games

  3. IGN:jimboba12 reason for wanting to join:looking for a tekkit server to practice spells and magic experiance:1 year magic or science: magic all the way
  4. IGN:jimboba12 age 15 experence 1 year i like EE the most
  5. ign:jimboba12 age:15 experiance:1 year location: uk why do i play tekkit: to have fun and not use science only magic
  6. hi, totalprogress banned me for no reason IGN:jimboba12 could u unban me
  7. just playing and it lost connection and said bad login ???
  8. hi would like to join had alot of experience ign:jimboba12 age: 16 reason sound great for survivle
  9. hi i would like to be in the server i have had many experiences ign: jimboba12 time zone: gmt age: 16 reason: sounds good
  10. o1do121


    1: IGN:jimboba12 2 reason: just what was looking for love playing without any banned items it gives u unlimited possibilities 3:i havee skype experence 8-11 months 4: i always donate to servers and mod makers 5:i have voted
  11. hi would like to join name: james IGN:jimboba12 why i want to join: sounds good and not to big
  12. need server but dont know how

  13. name:james age:16 country: England username:o1do121 sounds fun and i have never been banned
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