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Everything posted by Davnell

  1. Pack updated and rocking some great new mods, carpenter adds slopes and custom block textures for torches and doors etc. Thaumcraft means you can get your own little minion army to do all the grunt work. Come and give it a go!
  2. We now have Votifier, get in game goodies for voting!
  3. New town starting this evening from around 17:00 BST, fancy building materials will be provided so you can build straight away to match the pirate/sea town theme, why not join us?
  4. New project starting mid week, have your say on what it is then come build with us http://www.evolutionrd.net/vb/showthread.php?1649-Rebel-and-Dav-need-a-project
  5. Various towns popping up all over the place, some big builds starting soon too. Scrap (mining world) reset is mere days away, Come and get involved and be the among first to mine this new rich land!
  6. Come and try out our mod combo! Natura, Highlander and Tinkers Construct have given new life to the Minecraft world, including reinventing the Nether! Auto stranger promotion now in place, get on, read the rules then build straight away!
  7. We have just reset come and join us in our new beginning! Now with more Biomes and Thaumcraft!
  8. http://www.evolutionrd.net/vb/showthread.php?889-hiako1234&highlight=hiako1234 Feel free to start an appeal
  9. @Gamer188 you are of course welcome to join use, we are an open server so no need to apply. Just log in with the adress in the post and read the rules
  10. We are now on the latest dev build! Check out the forum for more info evolutionrd.net
  11. We have not yet updated to the latest version so you need to use 0.53 to get in atm, will update post if/when we update
  12. I have lifted the ban if you still wish to join us feel free to PM me through our forum if you continue to have problems
  13. Sorry you guys feel like that, the fact is, we reset the Nether every 4 weeks in order to regen the mats there so building a base there would be a bad idea anyway. If you don't like our setup (which has been like this since the beginning) then don't play on our server but also please don't server bash in our thread after all it's just your preference and the 20+ players we are getting on a regular basis seem to disagree.
  14. Now on 3.1.2! Don't forget to update your version in the launcher menu.
  15. Not sure what you mean here...? We have IC and RP as well as a lot of EE, so far as I remember Vanilla has none of these? If you don't want to play on our server so be it, happy hunting for that server that will suit you.
  16. We have all major grief items and a lot of EE banned (transmutating) as we found it too OP, we have also removed BC to reduce lag and because you can use RP and IC2 to do pretty much everything BC can do (am yet to find something you can't do) all be it a little more costly to produce. If you are looking for a fair server with a long play life and committed players then come on, if you want a server with all Tekkit enabled then no this one isn't for you.
  17. Update: The rules are now found at http://www.evolutionrd.net/vb/content.php?115-rules We have plenty of space, so join us. Come and give Evo a go!
  18. Title: Handsaw dupe Version: 3.0.3/3.0.4 OS: Win 7 64bit Java Version: V6 Update 31 build 1.6.0 Description of Problem: Using Covalence dust to repair Handsaws allows you to dupe endlessly, simply follow the Shapeless crafting method and when you click on the saw to repair it you get keep the original and get the new one. Sorry if this was posted already couldn't see it Error Messages: Error Log:
  19. Re: Evolution R&D [50 slots] [24/7] [3.0.3] Tekkit 3 is up and running, we have a young world with friendly staff come and join!
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