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About theman123yo

  • Birthday 07/30/1997

theman123yo's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. IGN: theman123yo Age: 15 Minecraft EXP: alpha Tekkit EXP: almost 70 % of every item used :D
  2. Minecraft name:theman123yo Preffered mod:smart moving and other stuff. Have you ever been kicked and/or banned before? yes cause the admin thought that i greifed my own house how stupid can a admin be Age:15
  3. Minecraft name: theman123yo Age: 15 Experience: ive been playing minecraft for 4 years now. Why you want to join: I really like this server and there are some really nice people there and i miss them.
  4. hi In Game Name: theman123yo Do you have skype: yes Age:15 Country/Timezone: swedish im not really sure XD What do you like most about Tekkit: about the machines and the building blocks like slabs or slabcorners Have you been in any other servers? If so, why did you leave: i didnt leave its mostly down cause its too much people in it. What are you good at: im good at building houses What kind of builds do you make:giant houses giant forts How long have you been playing minecraft?: some years How often will you be online: almost everyday Why do you want to join this server in particular? cause it seems like a nice server srry bug i couldnt change the size of the text :/
  5. Minecraft name: theman123yo Age: 15 Experience: ive been playing minecraft for 4 years now. Why you want to join: cause on every other server i get griefed hacked or trolled but i dont think it will happen on this server it seems like it and ive always been looking for a small comunity.
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