IGN: nhgagneja
AGE: 15
HAVE YOU EVER BEEN KICKED / BANNED FROM A SERVER AND WHY?: Not that I am aware of. I think kicked once- me and the owner of a server were playing a game where we shot each other with the poison darts, and I killed the owner. An admin thought I was griefing or something and kicked me. I don't think the server was set up with MCBans though, so it probably won't show up.
WHY DO YOU LIKE TEKKIT?: I think it adds a new dimension to the game, and adds a whole new way to play. I've always found it funny that in Minecraft, no matter how far in the game you are, you still cook things in a furnace that takes ages to it's job. I think Tekkit adds a bunch of new ways to play, though I avoid EE until I do more Tekkit things first, so I don't just ruin the game for myself.
WHAT CAN YOU BRING TO THE COMMUNITY?: A fun spirit, and a helper to players who just don't quite understand input-output in IC2 cabling or just can't get that last diamond for their condenser. I am pretty good with contraptions, though my favorite thing right now is mixing Computers and RP Frames and Motors to make interesting things, like elevators (my current project, which I know how to do, I just need to do it!)
Ignore this please. I have posted an app on the website. Sorry!