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Everything posted by lulz

  1. Welcome aboard! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Hopefully we're fanboy-friendly enough! IP: play.tekkitopia.com Use /register <password> upon first login to ensure the safety of your account. During your first week you're in a "trial" period, any infractions on our rules might result in an immediate whitelist removal/ban. Enjoy Tekkitopia! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
  2. Overlooked is the correct word, apologies for that! Welcome aboard - play.tekkitopia.com!
  3. Welcome aboard all ya'll! I apologize for the delay, our staff members are a tad slacky on this forum. Denied, incorrect secret code.
  4. We accept less fortunate beings aswell, welcome aboard! play.tekkitopia.com!
  5. And of course the one I missed out on, welcome aboard! :)
  6. Welcome aboard the two of you - play.tekkitopia.com! :)
  7. I wasn't referring to you as a person, just people generally. :)
  8. ...completely missed out on that aspect to be honest! But yes, that's a slight problem - they'll be able to use it right at the start. But e.g. Mining Laser needs an initial charge, which'd eliminate that possibility. For any other item they'd be able to use that item and that item only until they're either finished or grow tired and then go through the whole process of creating a new one. I'm pretty sure the simple lazyness will kill the desire to do that. Not sure about Fillers, but I know for certain that Deployers have a blacklist that would workaround that issue. Oh the people and their desire to exploit... :)
  9. That's the reason for double or even triple nodes, they'll be able to make them in an autocrafter but it'd disappear right when they pull them out (nohave.xxx, noplace.xxx nodes). :)
  10. I smell youngster. Anyway, secret code what and why is written in our post.
  11. Well to correct myself, they're just permission nodes - and work for all permission handlers. :)
  12. They're all PermissionsEX nodes, so it'd require that aswell.
  13. Made this a while back, that'd suit ya like a glove. http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/complete-idiots-guide-to-creating-a-tekkit-lite-server-with-plugins.39213/
  14. Load up WorldEdit, select a metric fuckton, do //count <emeraldoreID>. Do //size to get total size, post values of both due to tickled interest.
  15. - noitem.nocraft.214 - noitem.nocraft.214 - noitem.nohave.214 - noitem.noplace.214 - noitem.nocraft.216.1 - noitem.nocraft.216.3 - noitem.nohave.216.1 - noitem.nohave.216.3 - noitem.noplace.216.1 - noitem.noplace.216.3 - noitem.nocraft.179 - noitem.nohave.179 - noitem.nocraft.237 - noitem.nohave.237 - noitem.nocraft.4095 - noitem.nohave.4095 - noitem.noplace.4095 - noitem.nocraft.6361 - noitem.nohave.6361 - noitem.nohave.7303 - noitem.nocraft.7303 - noitem.nohave.7312 - noitem.nocraft.7312 - noitem.nohave.30173.all - noitem.nocraft.30173.all - noitem.nowear.30173.all - noitem.nocraft.30208.all - noitem.nohold.30208.all - noitem.nohave.30208.all That'd include nukes, dimensional anchor, wireless tracker, anchor cart, tank cart, teleport tether, quantum chestplate, mining laser, world anchor, dimensional anchor and (wireless) mining turtle. It's fairly easy deciphering what all the nodes do (nohold, nohave, nocraft) if there's something you wish to add/remove.
  16. In that case I stand corrected. I'm running Optifine both on the PC and laptop without errors, the only thing I can see that differs is your Java version. Updating it might be worth a shot. Good luck regardless.
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