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Everything posted by lulz

  1. Our server is back up from the upgrade and our main IP is now pointing to the Tekkit Classic server. Enjoy! :)
  2. Our server has been taken offline and it's parts are currently being switched with more powerful hardware. Expect it to be down for approximately a 24h period. The main server IP has been redirected to a temporary Tekkit Lite server for testing purposes. Also accessible via lite.tekkitopia.com.
  3. Ah thank you. The issues I had though were with the expanding using the golden shovel - but as keepcalm has stated himself that it is buggy, I guess we'll just have to wait it out. I assume GriefProtection doesn't protect you from those pesky creepers either? Haven't found a way to stop them from blowing up the ground as of yet.
  4. Not working properly here either, it doesn't seem like it's possible to extend your claims. And I haven't tested how failsafe the protections are either.
  5. Try using LogBlock, while the tool's right/left-click function doesn't work the lookup params do.
  6. Not that I know shit about Java coding itself but using a tad of logic; -- Tile entity being ticked -- Details: Name: RPLgPtr // com.eloraam.redpower.logic.TileLogicPointer Block type: ID #0 Block data value: Unknown? (Got -1) Block location: World: (-854,74,1098), Chunk: (at 10,4,10 in -54,68; contains blocks -864,0,1088 to -849,255,1103), Region: (-2,2; contains chunks -64,64 to -33,95, blocks -1024,0,1024 to -513,255,1535) Stacktrace: at yc.h(World.java:2155) at in.h(WorldServer.java:516) seems the most interesting. Try removing the Wireless Redstone mod, boot up your server and see if it atleast runs.
  7. ForgeEssentials is in the server package when you download the files. Remove it from the coremods folder. Posting the error log usually makes life easier if you're cashing.
  8. I have waited so, so long for this day. May the children cry their hearts out over EE3 changes.
  9. Have you removed ForgeEssentials from /coremods? I'm having the same issues with WorldGuard and WorldEdit aswell, seems like the events just aren't registering. Creeper explosions for example doesn't register in any plugin this far. Essentials from keepcalm's Github on the other hand works (somewhat) fine for me, with a few minor errors.
  10. What are the plugins you're using/trying? Can't seem to decipher what the code is supposed to imply, but I'll give regular logic a try. :)
  11. All builds past #73 seems to be broken, just use #73 until newer builds are working again.
  12. HeroChat does not work, haven't tested mChat yet. I'll give it a try at a latter point. EDIT: mChat alone seems to be working. The only extension I've tried is mChannels which doesn't seem to be working, creating channels work but if you type you'll only be able to see it in the console.
  13. Sorry about the lack of replies as I've been on vacation. As our server is based around the community you could suggest it on the forum. But be well prepared with proper argumentation, as this has been brought up before and the majority was against it. When connecting, make sure you choose 3.1.2 as the version (Launcher, Options, Latest Recommended).
  14. I (Kapten_Knas) or Klandan might be able to help you with that seeing as our current security settings do not allow the HTTP access. Just let Klandan know you wish to import a script and he'll give it a brief read to ensure nothing malicious is inside the code. Regarding Main world, use /rspawn to teleport you to a random location. If you have any suggestions on how we could improve it all our member's input are valued. :)
  15. Thank you, and yes - being blunt seems to be the only thing that bites on them. :)
  16. Incorrect. Behaving like an insolent child on the other hand will get you a grade A boot up yours. Feel free to read and reply to your very own thread if you wish to continue this discussion and the nature behind your ban. http://tekkitopia.com/forum/index.php?threads/matej789.18/
  17. Merry christmas Tekkitopians!
  18. Have you tried replacing NetherOres with a new one? :)
  19. Sometimes I wish I had 5 more... Regardles OP - post error log, basically what's written before "...5 more" and you'll be amazed how much more people are able to do.
  20. Thank you! I hope you find the rest to your liking aswell.
  21. Maintenance finished and changes implemented. :)
  22. Thursday maintenance postponed a tad until friday morning (work held me, too many players online aswell!).
  23. Slight memory leak took the server down for a bit, all fixed all better.
  24. New Thursday Maintenance post up here, will be filled during the week like usual!
  25. New contest found here! Win a giftcode or powerful ingame merchandise!
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