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Everything posted by jensi00

  1. jensi00


    1: IGN?:hansrodtang 2: Reason For Joining?:i think its good bikos it has no banned items and its hard to find a server who got no banned items. 3: Would You Ever Consider Donating?:no 4: Have You Voted At http://minestatus.net/50325-legittekkit ?: yes
  2. buut i hadde to chose it wholde have been ee rp2 and buildecraft
  3. Minecraft name:hansrodtang Preffered mod:dont know buut i think just all in tekkit Have you ever been kicked and/or banned before?:No Age:12
  4. ca. how long time wholde it take to get whitlisted if youre getting whitelisted ?
  5. Ye and i want to play on the sever for ye like a cooldown from all the grifed servers and to teach some mods in peace forgot to add that
  6. IGN: hansrodtang Tekkit Exp: i think good enough What is your best Tekkit Skill? rp2 and ic2 If you could add or remove a rule at ZagCraft, i wholdent cheangs them i think they are good enough Languages Spoken: English and Norwegian and somthing fast how many times do you change your world map ?
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