It's against the rules to post in an old thread, especially if you've nothing of substance to add to it. Of course, you'd know that if you would have read them.
A thread necromancer you still are. Let the dead lie and make your own post. Now, to answer your question. There is no way to run tekkit with no launcher, and asking for a method of bypassing it will get you kellered or banned by the mods faster than Usain Bolt ran the 100M.
I can't really help you with the bug, but why not use more redstone alloy wire in place of the regular redstone and a signal inverter instead of the redstone torch set up?
Damn, two necros in one thread! Torezu! Help us, sweet baby Jesus man! Also, ARRRRGH! Avast matey! If'n ye be searchin' fer a way to play technic/tekkit with no launcher, then yer search be in vain. Being a never be the answer!
Why bother though? There are two types of stupid people, stupid people who like to throw out something dumb, take a lashing, and run off with their tail between their legs (which don't really bother me as they provide decent entertainment) and you have the stupid who continue to run off at the mouth (who are infinitely funnier) and get themselves Kellered or banned. Apparently the OP is the first one.
Which kind of does suck because at least then they had to wait to comeback and post something else inane or have time to think about what they said in the first place. The temp ban was a great little "time out" tool.