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Everything posted by Aritchey

  1. Mine is the best of course! But Xylord's blob fish is a close second!
  2. Captain Hammer stops being a douche because all of it transfers to you instead! I wish for a piece of pie
  3. JakeVH is banned for kidnapping a very rare cave slime to be in his avatar!
  4. Okamikk is banned for being a baby they are not aloud on the internet!
  5. You get a avatar that reflects positivly on your personality but your personality is horrible so the avatar is also I wish for a puppy who destroys my stuff!
  6. You get a avatar but it gets you perm banned. I wish I was not in school right now
  7. You had not wished for anything but now you have. You get a pancake but it is burnt to the point where it is nonedible I wish for my wish to be corrupted
  8. ninjaed You get the eye of the beholder but it turns on you destroying you. I wish for the world to be destroyed
  9. i hear rumors of applying if true how do i do so ?
  10. A player has to be with in 16 blocks of the spawner not just the chunk be loaded
  11. if i can figure stuff out on a local server i will help you for free :D
  12. Does anyone know a fix to being able to craft banned items in project tables etc? If anyone knows a fix or a thread that has one could you link/explain it below.
  13. Wood can not connect together they are used to pull stuff out of something. Cobble and stone can not connect together. Then conductive only connect to conductive same for water proof. I hope this helps. I did not look at the picture as I am at school and it is blocked if there are other prblems i can check later for you
  14. I could help you out some not as co owner as i have never done that much with it but I can look stuff up and help as a admin. I will check back later.
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