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Everything posted by lukeb28

  1. Edit: When making your choice, please explain it like people don't know the game the game at all. My pick is something a little unorthodox. I have played horror and other games that aim to disturb, but this game was not intended for that, and the reason for its disturbing quality is something most people overlook. X-Com Enemy Within This is a wonderful expansion to the game X-Com Enemy Unknown, a turn based strategy game. I'm sure many people have played it before. One of the key differences between the two games is the addition of a second enemy faction, EXAULT. This enemy is introduced midway into the first half of the game. They are terrorists attempting to use the alien invasion as a distraction while they take over the world. The Counsel, a group of world leaders funding the X-Com project, assign X-Com to deal with the "traitors". This comes after fighting off the alien hord for a good few months to protect humanity. There's my scrape with the game. You have fought for the very survival of the human race, for every human life on Earth. To suddenly have to turn around and target the very people your men have fought and died for is a scary thought. As the Commander you have sent good men and women to die for the greater good, and here these terrorists try to back stab the guardians of humanity, and you have to kill them for it. After fighting for all of humanity for so long, making massive sacrifices for the greater good; who could turn around and kill their fellow kin with such a cold heart? This game draws the line of humanity, then crosses it with cold logic. There is no choice, no option. You have to kill the people you would die for.
  2. Sorry for the large delay, I have been away. Normally this means that you messed up the .zip. Make sure you called it modpack.jar and set the compression method to .zip. Refer to the second post in this thread for direction on setting it up properly.
  3. The link had been to give credit, all the information is actually on that post. It is disappointing to see the credit has been lost though.
  4. It's on the first page. Look at the table of contents. As for the buildcraft thing, as far as I understand buildcraft is actually several mods that work in unison. Silicon is the part that handles the logic gates. If you would like to know more, the wiki would have much more information on the topic.
  5. Looking at it, I'm seeing a lot of 2014-02-21 17:43:02 [WARNING] [BuildCraft] Mod BuildCraft is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-21 17:43:02 [WARNING] [BC Energy] Mod BC Energy is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-21 17:43:02 [WARNING] [BC Factory] Mod BC Factory is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-21 17:43:02 [WARNING] [BC Silicon] Mod BC Silicon is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well 2014-02-21 17:43:02 [WARNING] [BC Transport] Mod BC Transport is missing a pack.mcmeta file, things may not work well Its not just Buildcraft, its doing that for all of them. Seeing as it's doing it for all of them, I would imagine it's something to do with your modpack.jar. Try building your own or taking it from the DL list and replace the current one.
  6. Insert it as code. Updating is the same as building a pack except a good portion of the work is done unless your moving up/down a minecraft version, then your just building a new pack all together.
  7. If its not that we'll start at square one. I'll need the FML report to get started
  8. Rereading it I see what you mean. The original pack probably used an older version of powercrystals hence the mods that depend upon the core do not match it and crash the game. You will have to ether find the correct version or change all of them to be the same. If you go with the later, you could update them all to the latest version for your version of minecraft and it should work out. Just make sure to remove all of the original powercrystal mods before hand and check the pack works before adding the newer versions. I'm going to look into that.
  9. My apology's but this is outside my expertise. I don't know much about json. However I will look into it and see what I can do. Edit: What field are you talking about? So do you still have your problem then or has adding PoweCrystalCore fixed that?
  10. I'm trying to figure that one out too...
  11. Under My settings, Notification options
  12. oh, there's a like button too... *Looks to see if I can change 'advanced member' after seeing prolo's "Hail Fluffy!"* Edit: Figured it out!
  13. I think its fine as long as things don't go past "Member" and "Regular Member" although "Advanced" seems a little unnecessary. Why are we advanced? Are we somehow better than the others? I think "Regular" would be better just for that reason. Anyways I like the matching look. The signature is also nice, I just hope people don't go crazy with it like a certain someone did... I'd be bad if everyone did something like that.
  14. Thats when I'll get really into KSP again!
  15. Theres cool factor, then how expensive it gets. Once career is implemented...
  16. I find that with KW Rocketry extraplanetary launchpad orbital stations are useless. KW can put anything into orbit if you try hard enough.
  17. Whats needed is a 64bit version of KSP. Thats my current limitation.
  18. 8. Duna (Mars)
  19. I'm burning for Jool right now with only 1.37 m/s, with an isp of 155 000... Interstellar is so much fun!
  20. Stable 50km? Never. Atmosphere ends at about 70km. That's the minimum for a stable orbit. To get into orbit, fly up to about 10km straight then start slowly turning right (about 1 degree every few seconds). Then go into your map view and continue to boost until your apoapsis is at your orbit height (At least 70km). Then cut power and turn your ship parallel to the ground and wait until your at the apoapsis then burn prograde. Cut the throttle once your periapsis matches your apoapsis. Your in orbit!!!!
  21. I did and and I just got the pack new last night.
  22. I did have the latest... Am I doing something wrong then?
  23. That is what I have needed. Does it incorporate science? Doesn't say in the OP. Recently gotten back into KSP. This is what I'm doing in creative right now Microwave power FTW Edit: Porry, your pack is breaking my beast of a computer, are there any incompatibility issues with other mods? Edit2: Here's the error if that helps https://www.dropbox.com/s/px2pk9fw4zfjaa8/KSP Derp.zip Edit3: Not enough memory, guess I'm playing with too many mods. Edit4: I can only run your pack with no other mods...
  24. Months ago I said my goal was to unite all of the modded community. I no longer know if I am filling divisions, or digging them deeper.

  25. In place of who? If your talking about Zeus then yes, it could. Otherwise not.
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