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Everything posted by lukeb28

  1. lukeb28

    EVE online

    No idea either. Maybe something to do with corporation tax rates? Anyways, I put up an advert for the Kitty Jail Crew. Just search the name and put in an application. It expires in 15 hours so you ought to move fast.
  2. lukeb28

    EVE online

    Hello my fellow Tekkiters and welcome to EVE online! This started out in Kitty Jail and I'm expanding it out here so we can have a dedicated thread for it as appose to the off topic chaos known in the Jail. What is EVE online? Well it's only the biggest player controlled MMO out there! Everything from the politics to the market prices are fully player controlled. EVE goes as far to say that every ship that is not a rookie one is player built. You are who you make your self in this universe. If you like playing the market then you can accumulate the wealth of empires. If you are ambitious you can become the most prosperous privateer. If you are a leader, you can wage war in a galactic scale with army's of other players. Now, there is a monthly subscription, but at the same time there is not. Players of immense skill and wealth can buy the monthly subscription with In Game Cash. That is why I come here to spread the word. As I type, I am assembling a Corporation so we may form a supply line to roll in the cash we crave. The more players we have, the bigger the set up we can form and the larger the profit! Right now it is likely everyone will need to buy at least one months subscription before we can get going but past that we should be able to pay our own way. Come one come all! Lets all take this New Eden for our own!
  3. Surprisingly, there is such thing as editing your last posts and even the thread tittle. Just click the edit link on your first post, click more options, then you should be able to edit the tittle. .......(edit button is here)
  4. Am I late to the crapping on your page party? Ah well, here's some crap anyways. Enjoy!

    1. TheBytemaster


      Yep, yer' 'lil bit late. Woo. Crappy crap. Throw it on the pile. Woohoo. *snores*

  5. I'll put those in the OP.
  6. It should be the same. The launcher now supports 1.6.X
  7. Is anyone reminded of the African girl by this photo?
  8. That would depend on our orbit. If we were on the far side of the sun in relation to the black hole, our atmosphere would be gone, the earth would become deformed and possibly shatter, but most the chunks would be flung far out into space without a start to call home. If we were on the other side, then we would probably fall into the event horizon and we would never be seen again. Of course we die in any circumstance, the acceleration from the slingshot alone would be enough to tear the planet into chunks the size of baseballs if not atoms. I would be astonished if anything larger than a building sized chunk survived.
  9. You are very much welcome! Have a fun time on your server!
  10. I just found an awesome sciency gif Depicts a star coming very close to a black hole and being torn to ribbons!
  11. So this is a world breaker then? Damn...
  12. Got to love international policy's on the internet eh? In some country's there would be a case for a mod being redistributed. In most however you would just be laughed out of a court house like Scarecrow said with CW. The problem international is that it may be illegal in one country (Where the modder lives we'll say) and in the user's country it is not. The modder cannot sue. Even if it was also illegal in both country's, laws and boarders do not go hand in hand. You cannot sue internationally without some big government influence on both ends and I doubt any government would bother with something so small as this. In any case, this is the internet. We are anonymous. Good luck finding us.
  13. The sudden shift in the moon's density baffles scientists across the world. Also with the shifted density it's orbit becomes more eccentric. Now that the moon's orbit has changed, satellites begin to lose their regular orbit. This includes GPS. With this loss of accuracy, a Patriot cruse missile losses track of where it's going and ends up hitting a nuclear reactor in Russia. This prompts a thermonuclear retaliation by the Russians and the whole world becomes the Fall Out Universe. As a side effect, you died somewhere along the way. I wish for the DLC for X Com enemy within to come out already!
  14. Alright guys look, I would love to be making everyone's perfect modpack and spreading the joy of it to everyone, I really would. The problem I have though is this is my grade 12 year in high school and I just don't have the time anymore. Maybe someone will pick up the torch but for now no one is doing this anymore. I urge everyone to take a look at my modpacking guide and try to do it themselves. I do have time to help with troubleshooting but not to make them anymore. http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/luke%E2%80%99s-hopefully-comprehensive-modpack-making-guide.44197/
  15. I do think this thread has outlived it's usefulness. Lets just let it die in peace now.
  16. My hope for humanity just went up a few points after reading those. Although after reading Hammerson's post, it went down a point.
  17. That is what the box is for, sadly we scared him off before we could spring the trap.
  18. I'm half tempted to make this, but then again he didn't provide links.
  19. Better get a few things done :D
  20. Source?
  21. http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/luke%E2%80%99s-hopefully-comprehensive-modpack-making-guide.44197/#post-362585 Also, not off topic. Platform Pagoda.
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