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Me and my friends have been building a lot of stuff in a vanilla world, but we now want to move over to tekkit.

I'm running a 2.1.1 server with the modpack build 2.1.0|1.1

I've tried to copy over the map, but tekkit overwrites it with new block, the spawn and player data is still there but not the stuff we built.

Is there a way to stop this from happening??

Or converting the map somehow??

An answer would be much appreciated!




Yeah it sadly is 1.2.5. Okey thank you!

Sadly? If you´ve tried to load it up with Tekkit 2.1.1, there´s nothing wrong. As long you still have the .mca files in <savefolder>\region\ it´s all fine when you load it up in 3.0.4


Yeah cuz my friends can't play tekkit with 1.2.5. They are too lazy to buy Minecraft...

Then they're going to have problems playing tekkit. The launcher requires you to put in your minecraft login info, so that it can download minecraft.jar.

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