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So a player on my server WakkyTabbaky logged out like 12 hours ago, when he tried to join the server immediately crashes(also upon entering his chunk)



We tried region fixer and it did nothing.

We used https://dinnerbone.com/minecraft/tools/coordinates/

and put in the coords Location: World: (-9442,50,7485), 


It gave us a region file name r.-19.14

We deleted it from the world, but it still made no difference.


Any clue on how to fix this?


  • Discord Moderator
Location: World: (-9442,50,7485)

Something is definitely off if you truly have deleted the region in which that chunk/block resides and are still crashing. What is at that exact block location? MCEdit is your friend.

  • Discord Moderator

MCEdit loads anvil format worlds. This includes both local SSP save games and SMP world folders. You would open the SMP world (while the server is shut down) just like you would load a SSP save.

  • Discord Moderator

Do some google searches on using MCEdit. Make sure you local folder structure mimics that on the server. For instance, you could make a "test" folder. You would then have /test/level.dat and /test/region/r.-19.14.mca.


ok i did that and saved it, one question.


The problem was at AROUND coords X 9400/9500  Z -9400/-9500

That is where the player was and going there caused the crash.

So why is it that the log is saying the erroring coords are Location: World: (-9442,50,7485)


ok i did that and saved it, one question.


The problem was at AROUND coords X 9400/9500  Z -9400/-9500

That is where the player was and going there caused the crash.

So why is it that the log is saying the erroring coords are Location: World: (-9442,50,7485)

50 is the height so the Y coord.

  • Discord Moderator

Since I don't have your modpack link, platform pack page, specific server configuration, etc. I can only state that the server is dying when it tries to load that precise block at that precise location. There may be other blocks causing issue, that that one is surely broken.


yes, but its saying Negative 9400 NOT

Positive 9400 for the X cord


Positive 7400 when Z was in the negatives where the problem was


but im positive im in the right region area because its the only area with actual land


The cooords can be negative. The one server I play on goes from -15,000 (15K) to 15,000 ( so 30, 000 (30K) in any direction from zero.


This means you could have a world that is at -10492, 92, 2369 (which, FYI, is the coords to my base on said world).0


Plowman has a point we need a link to the mod pack, the link to the zip file, and paste bin your logs s owe can help you.


Having "land" where you are means nothing. Each and every block is something, air, water, dirt, or other object. So ignore the "I have land" part and go to those exact coords shown in your log file.

Posted (edited)

im using my modpack Industrial Age The Turning for MC 1.7.10 http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/a-new-age-enterprise.55905

its on a few day old 24/7 dedicated public server.


level.dat: http://www.mediafire.com/download/f3o6ykb4lo72cy8/level.dat

Region file: http://www.mediafire.com/download/5rmu87dt0vdc72h/r.-19.14.mca


My worlds chunks were also loaded 10k by 10k blocks out using worldborder so while players explore there is no lag

Edited by enterprise12

I also just went on the server and teleported to -9442 50 7485 and everything is fine, no crash.

Only going to 9500 (Y CORD) -9500 Area we crash.


so why is the log giving a different coordinate? 


well i even tried deleting his whole base, i got the right region file he lived in and deleted the base, made no difference.

Even rolled back till the area was good to enter, i took the region file and transferred it to the newer version of the world, but it still crashed.


Im gonna just use the backup that works, thanks for the help anyways.



If its possible for you to figure out what caused it tht would be great, that way i can prevent it!

  • Discord Moderator
Posted (edited)

Yes, indeed. It lists an exact block location. MCEdit that block out. It could be something that just got corrupted. That shouldn't happen under normal circumstances, but it is possible.

Edited by plowmanplow

its happening again...but nothing has been built there yet!


could it be player.dat files?

i have tried deleting mine in the world folder but i still appear at that location(or at least i think cause it crashes with the same error)

  • Discord Moderator
Posted (edited)

Something doesn't make any sense here. Are you certain that the error is exactly the same as before? I find it hard to believe that a newly generated chunk/region has a ticking Ender IO conduit in it. Can you post up the most recent crash report again?


Edit: I decided to do another test. I used your level.dat and seed to create my own server (Cauldron with Forge #1272), connected with your client and was able to teleport to (9600,63,-9381) with no troubles. Running the server with only Forge #1272 yields the same success.

Edited by plowmanplow

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