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Solder Help Requested


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I am aware that this might be outside the scope of this forum, but I was hoping someone else has run into this problem and has found a solution. I have set up Solder on my solder.syriuscode.com domain. It seems to be responding well as my modpack is listing the right mods from the Technic profile, and it says that my modpack is linked. My issue is that when I try to download the modpack on the Launcher I receive an Error message: "Error unzipping a file for the following modpack." When I investigate the logs I notice the following error:

[SEVERE] net.technicpack.rest.RestfulAPIException: Error accessing URL [http://solder.syriuscode.com/public/api/modpack/]

I know that this means that there is some communication problem with my server, and accessing this specific URL causes a 404. If I access this URL without the trailing slash, I receive the API string array text. My question is, is there something I need to put into my .htaccess file or is there a config that I have incorrect?


My mods are located in solder.syriuscode.com/mods/. My mirror_url and repo is: 'solder.syriuscode.com/'


EDIT (3/11): After I had solved this problem, I ran into another where each individual mod pack had an invalid URL. After some investigation, I realized that my mirror_url and repo_url needed to have the prefix 'http://'. This solved that issue.


Any assistance or point in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.

Edited by SyriusTank
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I figured it out. I had to set my Document Root to the public folder from the public_html folder. You can do this easily with http.conf if you have root access, but since I am on a shared server I had to modify the .htaccess file in my public_html directory with the following rewrite:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^solder.syriuscode.com$ [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.solder.syriuscode.com$
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !public/
RewriteRule (.*) /public/$1 [L]

I hope this helps someone else.

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Glad you managed to fix it (was going to post my .htacess for you, but it is basically identical to that). This is something that should be made known to those trying to set up a Solder Installation. Many are not aware that the .htacess file has the power to fix a lot of the shared hosting solder setups. 

Edited by HalestormXV
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