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Image Map of terrain.png


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If you're going to make a texture pack, you're going to fuck around with the terrain.png file. If you're not a graphic artist and have the skills of a twelve eighty year old, like me, you have no idea what you're doing. I found this nifty map over on MC Forums that gives you a pretty detailed guide on what each texture does, if it does anything, to help you work your way through the terrain.png.



Row 0:

00 = Grass top (see 'Biome Shading')

01 = Smooth stone

02 = Dirt

03 = Side-dirt. The grass fringe only appears the color it is here when graphics mode is set to 'fast'. On 'fancy' graphics, the sides of grass blocks are made from the side-dirt block overlaid with biome sidegrass (26).

04 = Wooden planks

05 = Doubled stone slab side. The side of a single stone slab takes on the texture of the top half of this block.

06 = Stone slab top

07 = Bricks

08 = Tnt side

09 = Tnt top

0A = Tnt bottom

0B = Spider web

0C = Red flower

0D = Yellow flower

0E = Portal animation place-holder *Appears to do nothing as of 1.9*

0F = Oak Sapling

Row 1:

10 = Cobblestone

11 = Bedrock

12 = Sand

13 = Gravel

14 = Oak trunk

15 = Log top (appears for all types of tree trunks)

16 = Iron block

17 = Gold block

18 = Diamond block

19 = Chest top *only appears in-game for 1.7.3 and below*

1A = Chest side *only appears in-game for 1.7.3 and below*

1B = Small chest front *only appears in-game for 1.7.3 and below*

1C = Red mushroom

1D = Brown mushroom

1E = Jungle tree sapling

1F = Fire animation placeholder *appears when HD patch is not used for 32x and above*

Row 2:

20 = Gold ore

21 = Iron ore

22 = Coal ore

23 = Bookshelf

24 = Mossy cobble

25 = Obsidian

26 = Biome sidegrass (see 'Biome Shading')

27 = Long grass (see 'Biome Shading')

28 =

XCF = Large chest front *only appears in-game for 1.7.3 and below*

2B = Crafting box top

2C = Furnace front (un-lit)

2D = Furnace/dispenser side

2E = Dispenser front

2F = Fire animation placeholder *appears when HD patch is not used for 32x and above*

Row 3:

30 = Sponge (only available in creative mode)

31 = Glass/glass panes

32 = Diamond ore

33 = Redstone ore

34 = Leaves (on fancy graphics)

35 = Leaves (on fast graphics-- no transparency to reduce lag)

36 = Stone brick

37 = Dead shrub

38 = Long grass 2

XCB = Large Chest back *only appears in-game for 1.7.3 and below*

3B = Crafting box side 1

3C = Crafting box side 2

3D = Furnace front (lit)

3E = Furnace/dispenser top/bottom

3F = Pine sapling

Row 4:

40 = White wool

41 = Monster spawner

42 = Snow (used for solid snow blocks as well as the layer of snow covering other blocks)

43 = Ice

44 = Snowy side dirt (NOT biome shaded-- will always appear the same)

45 = Cactus top *The main body of the cactus (minus the spikes) must always end exactly 1 pixel (or equivalent) away from each edge, or the texture will appear to 'overhang' the sides.

46 = Cactus side *The main body of the cactus (minus the spikes) must always end exactly 1 pixel (or equivalent) away from each edge, or the texture will appear to 'overhang' the sides.

47 = Cactus inside (invisible)

48 = Clay

49 = Reeds

4A = Noteblock/ Jukebox side

4B = Jukebox top

4C = Lily pad

4D = Mushroom biome sidedirt (NOT biome shaded)

4E = Mushroom biome grass (NOT biome shaded)

4F = Birch sapling

Row 5:

50 = Torch *Must be at least 2 pixels wide (or equivalent-- 4px for 32x, 8px for 64x, etc). Flames are generated separately.

YW = Wooden door

YI = Iron door

53 = Ladder

54 = Trapdoor

55 = Iron bars

56 = Wet farmland

57 = Dry farmland

58/59/5A/5B/5C/5D/5E/5F = Growing wheat. Planted seeds take on the first texture in the sequence (58) and advanced through the textures over time until they are fully grown (5F).

Row 6:

60 = Lever *Must be at least 2 pixels wide (or equivalent-- 4px for 32x, 8px for 64x, etc)

63 = Redstone torch (On) *Must be at least 2 pixels wide (or equivalent-- 4px for 32x, 8px for 64x, etc)

64 = Mossy stone brick

65 = Cracked stone brick

66 = Top/bottom of pumpkin

67 = Netherrack

68 = Soulsand

69 = Glowstone

6A = Sticky piston face

6B = Regular Piston face

6C = Piston side

6D = Piston bottom

6E = Piston front (arm extends through the center)

6F = Growing pumpkin/melon vine. Extends up out of the ground as it goes-- unlike wheat, the texture itself does not change over time. (see 'Biome Shading')

Row 7:

70 = Curved minecart rail

71 = Black wook

72 = Dark gray wool

73 = Redstone torch (off) *Must be at least 2 pixels wide (or equivalent-- 4px for 32x, 8px for 64x, etc)

74 = Pine bark

75 = Birch bark

76 = Pumpkin side

77 = Pumpkin front (unlit)

78 = Pumpkin front (lit)

79 = Cake top *Must always end exactly 1 pixel (or equivalent) away from each edge, or the texture will appear to 'overhang' the sides.

7A = Cake side *Must always end exactly 1 pixel (or equivalent) away from each edge.

7B = Cake inside (visible after being eaten). *Must always end exactly 1 pixel (or equivalent) away from each edge.

7C = Cake bottom *Must always end exactly 1 pixel (or equivalent) away from each edge, or the texture will appear to 'overhang' the sides.

7D = Giant red mushroom cap (outer faces)

7E = Giant brown mushroom cap (outer faces)

7F = Fully grown pumpkin/melon vine. Attaches to the side of the pumpkin/melon. (see 'Biome Shading')

Row 8:

80 = Minecart rails

81 = Red wool

82 = Pink wool

83 = Redstone repeater (unpowered)

84 = Pine needles (on fancy graphics)

85 = Pine needles (on fast graphics-- no transparency to reduce lag)

XBT = Bed top

88 = Melon side

89 = Melon top/bottom

8A = Cauldron, top (Rim)

8B = Cauldron, inside bottom/bottom

8C = Cake icon (as seen when held in your hand). Must be edited on the items png-- editing the texture here as no effect whatsoever.

8D = Giant mushroom stem

8E = Giant mushroom gills-- appears on the inside faces of the caps and inside the stem.

8F = Vines (see 'Biome Shading')

Row 9:

90 = Lapiz lazuli block

91 = Dark green wool

92 = Light green wool

93 = Redstone repeater (powered)

94 = Glass pane edge

95 = Bed foot

XBS = Bed side

98 = Bed head

99 = Jungle tree log

9A = Cauldron side

9B = Cauldron 'feet'

9C = Brewing stand base

9D = Brewing stand (left side used when potion is attached, right side when potion is not attached)

9E = Ender portal top (ender portal 'eye' inserted into center)

9F = Ender portal side

Row 10:

A0 = Lapiz lazuli ore

A1 = Brown wool

A2 = Yellow wool

A3 = Booster rail (unpowered)

XRT = Redstone trail (glowing)-- 'shaded' with red, much like biome textures. Appears a brighter red when powered, although the exact shade of red is determined by how dark or light this texture is (white texture = brightest red, gray texture = duller red)

A6 = Enchanting table top

A7 = Dragon egg

AE = Ender portal 'eye' (inserted into portal block)

AF = White stone/Ender portal bottom

Row 11:

B0 = Sandstone top

B1 = Dark blue wool

B2 = Light blue wool

B3 = Booster rail (powered)

XRS = Redstone trail (non-glowing)-- NOT shaded with red. This texture overlaid on top of the glowing redstone trail (XRT), enabling redstone wires that have both glowing parts and non-glowing parts.

B6 = Enchanting table side

B7 = Enchanting table bottom

Row 12:

C0 = Sandstone side

C1 = Purple wool

C2 = Magenta wool

C3 = Detector rail

C4 = Jungle tree leaves (fancy graphics)

C5 = Jungle tree leaves (fast graphics)

C6 = Pine planks (made from pine logs)

C7 = Jungle planks (made from jungle logs)

WT = Water

Row 13:

D0 = Sandstone bottom

D1 = Cyan wool

D2 = Orange wool

D3 = Glowstone lamp (off state)

D4 = Glowstone lamp (on state)

D5 = Cirlce stone (only available in creative mode)

D6 = Birch planks (made from birch logs)

E0 = Nether brick

E1 = Light gray wool

E2/E3/E4 = Growing nether wort.

E5 = Hieroglyphic Sandstone

E6 = Smooth Sandstone

LA = Lava

Row 14:

F0/F1/F2/F3/F4/F5/F6/F7/F8/F9 = Breaking animation. Progresses from left to right as the block is struck.

FA = Currently unknown

FB = Currently unknown

FC = Currently unknown

FD = Currently unknown


Steelfeathers. "The All-Inclusive Guide to Texturing." Minecraft Forum. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 July 2012. <http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/659230-the-all-inclusive-guide-to-texturing/>.

Disclaimer: I did not make this. This was contained in a post by some guy named Steelfeathers who is a sectional moderator over on the Minecraft Forums that drafted a much more complex texturing guide. I reposted this part here because I caught the swine flu looking through MCForums. Bear in mind I have cited my source and am not using the entire post. This is a legitimate source citing so if you're going to get all up in my stuff about stealing, you can go fuck yourself.

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This forum doesn't get a lot of posts, so I'm not concerned about it right now. But in the event it gets lost, I may ask to have it stickied. For now, it's where it can be found.

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