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Hello people of The Technic Forums

I would like to offer u the following

+configurable ftp access

+dedicated IP

+SSD (state the size you need)

+ssh access

+OS setup

+various help in stuff

+help with minecraft and all that (also via skype)

+direct console access thru vSphere or VMware

+remoteControll if needed?

+we can pretty much negotiate on anything you would like to add up

the price is average as any other minecraft host (4GB Min)

but the specs are way better

well its much lower than on those hosts that have a "pay per slot" xD

i7 8core (2 cores per vps) 3.4-3.8ghz

intel premium SSD

DDR3 upto 32gb

not sure on the connection xD acts like a 100mb premium, but tests showed over 100mb (keeping in mind tht 1 player on mc uses 60kb, so.. 6mb = 100 players at the same time..)

oh a note on the connection.. most mc hosts u see says 1gb everywhere, that is like half true... the connection inside the datacenter is 1gb lines, the outside world it becomes 100mb, because 1gb costs $400 minimum >.<

well and on the OS, if u want u can do it urself or we can set it up and get it all ready and maintained for mc (incl basic bugfixes and stuff for tekkit) in like 10-15 hrs, when hosting companies do it in 24 hrs xD

oh to addup to that we can setup a ts3 and web server too

For More information pls contact us on Skype


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