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Ive been playing Tekkit for quite some time now. I have most of the machines, armor, weapons and so on. The only thing that I haven't done is nuclear power mainly because I do not need it. I've been looking for more stuff to do, seeing that I'm pretty bored. I spend most of my time just mining with my equivilant exchange items and I'm getting really bored. I have a crap ton of energy and I want to do something with it. And maybe something I can build would be fun. For example I have created a movie theatre with the computer craft mod and and monitors which can play the secret star wars movie. I'm just pretty much bored with my world and need things to do. Hopefully some of the people on the forums can post things they have created or give ideas for things to do in Tekkit that can include buildcraft, equivilant exchange, redpower and other mods in tekkit. Thanks in advance for input. :)


Get the nuclear reactor! Even if you don't have the need it offers a whole experience in and of itself.

There are so many things you can do with it.

What I like to do is build a cool nuclear facility type deal, like underground bunker or above ground silo, reinforce it with enough reinforced stone to contain any mishaps and just try a bunch of different combos of coolants and cells.

TRY IT! You know you want to :D


Get the nuclear reactor! Even if you don't have the need it offers a whole experience in and of itself.

There are so many things you can do with it.

What I like to do is build a cool nuclear facility type deal, like underground bunker or above ground silo, reinforce it with enough reinforced stone to contain any mishaps and just try a bunch of different combos of coolants and cells.

TRY IT! You know you want to :D

Haha alright right I'll give it a go. Do you have any suggestions on what I could use all that energy on though? Maybe some sort of farm or factory because right now I feel like its all just going to nothing :/


Massive Matter Farm!

Only thing I can think of? Or just have a massive energy surplus - MFSU all around stored completely... no need to ever run the Nuclear Reactor again!

That actually sounds like a really good idea haha. Any other good ideas? It seems like your the only one who has them lol :)


All I got for now... Sorry bud. Do you know of a good Tekkit server though?

I haven't really joined one. I've been playing around a bit on my own server, but once I get the hang of everything Tekkit, I'll be sure to join one. I believe there is a Tekkit server forum on here though and that's we're ill be getting the server I'll be playing on.


Take your favorite item, and make a factory of it! Making a diamond factory was very fun for me!

Hmmm I'll have to look into that. I already have some sort of a dark matter farm going so I'll start on a diamond one when I get the chance! :D thanks!!

  • 4 months later...

I made a factory that had as much as I could cram into it (until the frame rate got so appalling I had to stop).

Had a fully automated nuclear reactor with triple sliding concrete access doors, controlled by computers with passwords and an airlock system (the door behind must be closed for the one in front to open).

The computers (I think I had 15 all told) all had a speech system that announced the nuclear reactor temperature, door control etc.

A lift with lift sound effects, a container ship with working gantry crane that loaded chests.

Wind farm that automatically transferred power to my million EU power station via MFE rail carts (just for the hell of it).

3 quarries that ran on MFE's charged by MFE carts that were sent there by computer.

A weapons production line, that filled chests and sent them to the container ship by cart.

Come up with something pointless and build!

If my computer hadn't crapped itself due to all the frame motors etc, I would have finished that world.

  • 1 month later...

Play around with BuildCraft's Builder to make some really massive structures!

Make a Mercurial Eye (helps, but not essential), a Template Drawing Table (plus some templates) and a Builder.

Come up with some sort of majestic structure that uses multiple copies of the same part (e.g. a castle with multiple guard towers, or a tower made up of multiple floors).

To start, manually build one copy of the part that repeats (e.g. one guard tower; one floor of your tower), and scan it with the Template Drawing Table. Then, use the Builder again and again to repeat that template where needed: Scan one floor of your tower, then use the Builder to stack as many as you want for a tower that reaches to the clouds; or scan one guard tower, build a wall around your castle, and use the Builder to place a guard tower at each corner.

It's not as complicated as a nuclear reactor, but getting the pieces to interlock and making sure your Combustion Engines stay fueled & cooled has kept me busy (in a good way!) I'm currently building Orthanc (Saruman's tower from LotR) using this method, and it's been a blast: The footprint of the tower is a '+' shape, with four wings and a central core. I built a single wing to start, then scanned it and used the Builder to copy it around to make the other three wings. Then I built the floors for the central core. Finally, I scanned the whole thing into another template; next step is to use that template in the Builder to go vertical, stacking them on top of each other to reach the sky (Orthanc = 152m tall. Thank you, Tolkien, for your attention to detail.)

You can also delve into RailCraft, which I've yet to do, or you can build a base in the Nether or underwater, or (my next project) build a mob grinder for Enchantment Tables. There's also these cool Piston-based doors that open like a camera shutter/iris; I've seen people build them in vanilla Minecraft and I've always wanted to try them out. I'm sure RedPower would make them easier, too!


stockpile EMC in the form of iron bars using energy condensers, cobblestone generators, redpower's block breakers, redstone tubes, and timers. youll need to have a peice of normal redstone dust in between the timer and the redstone pipe, though

stockpile energy through solar, geothermal, etc and store it all in MFSUs

stockpile blulectric power in battboxes (more for the shits and giggles than anything)

with all that energy, use the energy condensers and matter generators to create a ton of diamonds

build a diamond house

casually replace trees, mountains, etc. with diamond blocks.


My favorite end-game pass-time is doing start over challenges. Such as starting over without any EE items, without buildcraft pipes, without server adminshop etc. Or do a skyblock challenge. Or just build something very complicated like a framemotor airship or an obstacle course with force fields.

  • 6 months later...

hey try building a giant tower fill it with machines and stuff put a nuclear reactor at the top floor and make that out of reinforced stone and glass and a door then use it to power everything after that make an auto matick wheat etc. farm with a redstone clock/timer then a plane in the air with an mage area and have it near the big tower so you can git to it but you wanna use a teleporter at the bottom of the building to go into the plane then make a giant quarry using land marks then a nuclear power plant with reactors build it far from everything else i built one on the ocean cause it wouldn't make a huge hole and that's what i suggest doing or if you want make it in the sky and use telerporters to git in it :) and if you still have nothing to do well then just make a huge moving pig then make a sheep then a cow then just forget to put ice inside of your reactors and leave them :D lol have fun

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