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Posted (edited)

IGN - Caty Gaming

Real Name - "Nate" <--- Nickname I Go By

Skype(Op) - I Will Only Tell Those On Sever.

Age (We accept all ages)- 11

What Mods are you best at? (For your shop) - Tinkers Construct

Tell me about yourself - I Am A Fun Loving 6th Grader (Don't Judge) Who Enjoys Minecraft And LM:DM (It Doesn't Matter If You Don't Know What That Means) And Have Been Looking For A SMALL, Peaceful Sever. As Much As I Love A Mod All About Weapons, I Prefer Peace, And Only Would Attack Those On By Bad Side (Not Many, Mostly Annoying Classmates, In Fact) And Would Love To Open A Shop On Tinkers Construct!

Timezone - U.S. Eastern (8:56 at time of post)

Maturity Level 1-10 and why (Just to see if your Sane or not lol) - Probably a 8.5. I Have My Moments, But Am Otherwise Mature Enough Not To Wine Like A Baby And Say "ZZzzzzzZZzZzZz" When Sleeping, And Other Childish Things Like That.

Anything Else to add(Op) I Enjoy Building And Making References (That Nobody Gets Most The Time). If You Ever Get A Reference, Please Tell Me! Also, This Is An Older Account. Do Not Trust The Side View Or My Account. What Is Above Is Correct. I Haven't Even Had That Skin That Is Displayed For A Year Or So!

Edited by CatyMinecrat64
Spelling Error And Clarification
  • 2 weeks later...

IGN: ZillyZoo

Real Name: Dee

Skype(Op): I have one but dont remember it xD

Age (We accept all ages): 15 (16 very soon)

What Mods are you best at? (For your shop): Well I am good at Tinkers and a little bit at Carpenters

Tell me about yourself: I am a very laid back sophomore who is some times forgetful but is mostly goofy and likes to make everyone smile :D

Timezone: U.S. Mountain day light time 

Maturity Level 1-10 and whit (Just to see if your Sane or not lol): I would say 9.5 the reason being I had grown up around adults my whole childhood and barely made friends because of that. 

Posted (edited)

Hello !! My name in b  team is AIDSFORKIDS i know this is stupid but i didn't do that .. my friend did this.. well anyway i want to join to your server :3 and my friend too .. His name OllyEnglish123 :) thanks (and also i will change my name) and one more question is that is the server cracked ? thanks !

We both are 13(14 soon)

We're good at all mods because we're playing b team for more then a year

Time zone 18.24 atm

AND.. i will tell something about us also .. so we both are best friends and we love playing b team together. we are friedly and funny!

My name is - David

My friend's name is - Jack


Edited by Ice
  • 2 weeks later...



IGN - maxshark45

Real Name - Max

Skype(Op) - maxshark4580

Age (We accept all ages)- 17

What Mods are you best at? (For your shop) - Witchery , All the tech mods, anything with redstone really.

Tell me about yourself - I have been playing this mudpack for years and minecraft even longer. I used to play on a aotb server that was on youtube but now it is shut down.

Timezone - Us mountain time

Maturity Level 1-10 and why (Just to see if your Sane or not lol) - I don't really know in between 7 and 10 most of the time i'd say.

Anything Else to add(Op) - no not really

Posted (edited)
  On 7/20/2015 at 11:15 PM, Shadowtale101 said:



IGN- HashtagItzAurora

Real Name - Aurora :)

Skype(Op) - None :(

Age (We accept all ages)-  12

What Mods are you best at? (For your shop) -  I'm good at Witchery, Food Plus, Carpenters Blocks, and the Fossil Archaeology mod :D

Tell me about yourself - I love to have fun, and I'm SUPER silly :P. I love making new friends and building, but I don't really like getting pranked unless it Doesn't kill me, because I'm also a HUGE rager. I'm super friendly and I hope not having Skype doesn't Disqualify me :)

Timezone - North Pole (As in England xD)

Maturity Level 1-10 and why (Just to see if your Sane or not lol) - 9, Because I can be Pretty silly!

Anything Else to add(Op) -  I love B-Team!





Edited by HashtagItzAurora :D
Forgot IGN :P
  On 7/20/2015 at 11:15 PM, Shadowtale101 said:


IGN - LegallyALlama

Real Name - Ryan

Skype(Op) - IllegallyALlama

Age (We accept all ages)- 23

What Mods are you best at? (For your shop) - None specifically yet, still finding my calling (Extremely interested in Archimedes Ships)

Tell me about yourself - Casual gamer that is active every day (rare exceptions), Relatively new to AotBT but have played original minecraft for years.

Timezone - Eastern (USA)

Maturity Level 1-10 and why (Just to see if your Sane or not lol) - I'd have to say a 7 or 8? No matter how sane you are, there is always room for some crazy antics ;)

Anything Else to add(Op) - Been looking for a server to join for a while, never really enjoyed playing alone and I love creating huge projects for people to admire and share in their uses. Not sure if you are still looking for more people to join, but I'd love to!

Hopefully you are still looking for people to join :P


IGN - 0ptigreen (zero ptigreen).

Real Name - Alex.

Skype(Op) - No.

Age (We accept all ages)- 18.

What Mods are you best at? (For your shop) - Flans.

Tell me about yourself - I enjoy building the most, which might not work out considering there are wars, but I wont mind as long as all my stuff isn't destroyed. Hehe.

Timezone - EST + 1.

Maturity Level 1-10 and why (Just to see if your Sane or not lol) - I am afraid you did not explain this scale well enough but I am going to take a guess and say 1 is immature and 10 is mature, so I would say I am close to a 10 as long as I am not on team speak.

Anything Else to add(Op) - No.

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