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Quantum Boots

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So, since upgrading to tekkit 3.1.2, quantum boots have been a little bugged. They play the fall damage animation and sound from about 4 blocks high. They also prevent fall damage from any height. It is starting to get a little annoying, so any fixes would be great.

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Wrong section, go to the bug section. If you could really call it a bug.

EDIT: To be more useful, quantum doesn't prevent damage. It just nullifies it. You take 0 hearts of fall damage, not you take no fall damage. Thats why the animation and sounds still happen.Hope it helps.

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Wrong section, go to the bug section. If you could really call it a bug.

EDIT: To be more useful, quantum doesn't prevent damage. It just nullifies it. You take 0 hearts of fall damage, not you take no fall damage. Thats why the animation and sounds still happen.Hope it helps.

The reason I posted it here is because I don't really consider it a bug, more a minor annoyance. I'm aware it nullifies fall damage, yet it never used to play sound and animation. Regardless if it cannot be fixed, I'll live with it!

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