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Hello, me and my friend really want to play tekkit and neither of our servers are working.

I was wondering if someone could please host a tekkit server? It would mean a lot!

Add me on skype: iGuybrush



I have a working server, but it can only hold five people and my computer is so stupidly slow. You would also need to have Hamachi, so I don't know if you'd want to go through that trouble of installing it.


John, i have a server, run from servercraft, i would require some money to get run it but its no where near what Videoboy wants. if you are still interested PM me


All I want is a FREE server, it doesn't have to be 24/7 just one so we can play tekkit legit, heck you can join in too!

If you just want a public server, you're more than welcome to join mine: scandic.us:25573 <-- free & 100% legit. 20 players max. Enjoy. :P

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