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The stupid, it hurts my brain


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hey im havving a prob 2 every time i intsall the zombe mod tht alows u to use fly mod. i do everything right but when i delete tha meta inf folder i stays deleted and i cant install any mo mods can some one plz tell meh wat im toing rong

when i delete the meta inf it re downloads it into the minecraft.jar everytime i enter minecraft. so it crashes. plz plz ppplllzzz help here im am getting so desperate


That's why I'm in the Technic Forums.

Seriously Northern Star, OP is much better than the average on many forums. Though he could capitalize his I's more often. ;)

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Before complaining about another person's stupidity, you should fix your grammar errors. It makes you look like less hypocritical.

Imperfection does not equal hypocrisy (Edit: Well, sometimes it does, as is the human condition. Anyways.). At least miniboxer makes the effort (Successfully, as we all understood him quite easily) to be understood and not look like a child who can't use more than one index finger on a keyboard whilst needing to stare at it (The keyboard) the entire time.

Edit: Also, has nobody read the Public Service Announcement? This forum has been getting increasingly hostile for no reason, I've noticed. Not necessarily related to the topic, but hey.

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