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So, trying to make a control program for my reactor building. Right now it's mostly an experiment to see what I'm capable of making, as a start to make a more fully automated factory where most things can be controlled from a computer (or a series of computers).

Now, I have a few issues both with this specific program and general computercraft usage. I've tried the tutorials, googled and search on my own as well as experimenting and have made some progress but there are still things I don't understand. It should be said I have nearly no scripting experience at all (a little jazz for wc3 scripting, a little html and so this).

1. The more general and more important question: How do I run things remotely? I get how I can hook up computers via a wireless modem, and how to send messages - but how do I get them to run scripts? Without that it's not very useful to have modems. Since my computers will take a bit of space with all the cables, outputs and wireless transmitters I figured I'll make a main server room that contains all the main computer(s) and wireing, and then have consoles with modems hooked up in different places from where I tell the server to do stuff.

2. Once my program has been run once and exited by alternative four, it cannot be run again on the computer unless I restart the computer by the shutdown command. I imagine it has something to do with the "while" command but really have no idea.

3. Regardless of the status of the lights, whenever they are turned on or off they show the "The lights are off!" message. This is not true for the other choosable alternatives. Any ideas what is wrong?

My code:

lastaction = nada

while input~=exit do




lightstatus = rs.testBundledInput ("back", colors.lightBlue)

outdoorstatus = rs.testBundledInput ("back", colors.red)

indoorstatus = rs.testBundledInput ("back", colors.orange)


lights = "1"

outdoor = "2"

indoor = "3"

exit = "4"



print ("      Welcome to Nuclear Disaster Control 0.1!")

print ("\nWhat would you like to do?\n")

if lightstatus == false then

  print ("1. Turn lights on")


  print ("1. Turn lights off")



if outdoorstatus == false then

  print ("2. Open outer door")


  print ("2. Close outer door")



if indoorstatus == false then

  print ("3. Close core access")


  print ("3. Open core access")


print ("4. Exit the NDC0.1")

print (lastaction)



  input = read()

  if input == lights then

    if lightstatus == false then

        redstone.setBundledOutput("back", rs.getBundledOutput("back")+colors.lightBlue)

        lastaction = "The lights are on!"

        lightstatus = true


        redstone.setBundledOutput("back", rs.getBundledOutput("back")-colors.lightBlue) end

        lastaction = "The lights are off!"

        lightstatus = false

    else if input == outdoor then

        if outdoorstatus == false then

        redstone.setBundledOutput("back", rs.getBundledOutput("back")+colors.red)

        lastaction = "The outer door is now open!"

        outdoorstatus = true


        redstone.setBundledOutput("back", rs.getBundledOutput("back")-colors.red)

        lastaction = "The outer door is now closed!"

        outdoorstatus = false


      else if input == indoor then

        if indoorstatus == false then

        redstone.setBundledOutput("back", rs.getBundledOutput("back")+colors.orange)

        lastaction = "The core access is closed!"

        indoorstatus = true


        redstone.setBundledOutput("back", rs.getBundledOutput("back")-colors.orange)

        lastaction = "The core access is open!"

        indoorstatus = false


      else if input == exit then

        print("\n      Thank you for using this NDC0.1!")

        print("\nYou are now in your root directory.")







Thanks for any aid!


Been half a day, thought it might be okay with a bump... Please tell if it's against the rules (couldn't find anything against it).

Content-free bumps are against the rules, but less because they're bumps and more because they're content-free. If you had an update of some kind...


I don't know if you've got an answer to this on the suggested Computer Craft forum, but just in case.

1) With modems attached to computers you can use the Rednet API to send/receive and broadcast/receive. Note that you use the same API over bundled cables as you do wireless modems which can be hugely convenient if you start with cables and later want to upgrade. The only difference, IIRC, is that bundled cables will return a nil distance on receive which can be useful if you need to identify the delivery method. There may be other differences though.

2) Yes, you'll want to use a while loop. See code and comments below.

3) To be honest, I'm surprised that script runs at all. Here are a couple *really* important but really easy to miss problems in your script's current format:

Line 8: "end" keyword at end of line, effectively terminating the "if lightstatus==" block.

It's also the answer to your number 3, because lines 9 and 10 will always run if input == lights.

Lines 35-39 are all "end". I'm not sure you've understood how these work. Take a look at the Conditional Statement Tutorial again. In your case, you only need as many "end"s as you have "if"s (not including "else if"s). I count 4 "ifs", 8 "ends".

To be able to spot this stuff, follow simple formatting rules such as always increasing your indent the line after an if/loop declaration, and decrement the indent again after typing end.

With that simple rule, and a change to address Line 8 to put the "end" where I think it should go, I ended up with the following (note the indentation and the 4 commented out ends at the bottom which leaves you with 4 ifs, 4 ends).

input = read()

while true do -- this is an infinite loop

  if input == lights then

    if lightstatus == false then

        redstone.setBundledOutput("back", rs.getBundledOutput("back")+colors.lightBlue)

        lastaction = "The lights are on!"

        lightstatus = true


        redstone.setBundledOutput("back", rs.getBundledOutput("back")-colors.lightBlue)

        lastaction = "The lights are off!"

        lightstatus = false


  else if input == outdoor then

    if outdoorstatus == false then

      redstone.setBundledOutput("back", rs.getBundledOutput("back")+colors.red)

      lastaction = "The outer door is now open!"

      outdoorstatus = true


      redstone.setBundledOutput("back", rs.getBundledOutput("back")-colors.red)

      lastaction = "The outer door is now closed!"

      outdoorstatus = false


  else if input == indoor then

    if indoorstatus == false then

      redstone.setBundledOutput("back", rs.getBundledOutput("back")+colors.orange)

      lastaction = "The core access is closed!"

      indoorstatus = true


      redstone.setBundledOutput("back", rs.getBundledOutput("back")-colors.orange)

      lastaction = "The core access is open!"

      indoorstatus = false


  else if input == exit then

    print("\n      Thank you for using this NDC0.1!")

    print("\nYou are now in your root directory.")


    return -- if there is nothing to run outside of the while loop, return will simply exit the script/function


end -- extra end added here to mark the end of the while loop added


-- the following are all the unnecessary ends in your original script

  -- end

    -- end

    -- end

-- end

Hopefully that solves your issues?

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