Title: Newly Placed Batboxes Not Being Charged By Water Mills
Version: 3.1.2
OS: Windows 7 64bit at home and on a rented service from Exodus Hosting... sorry I don't know what OS they use.
Java Version: 7 on both
Description of Problem:
When batboxes are hooked up to water mills they do not charge. This happens a little more than %50 of the time. If you break and replace the batbox or the connecting cable several times, then eventually the batbox will start to charge.
Title: Newly Placed Batboxes Not Being Charged By Water Mills
Version: 3.1.2
OS: Windows 7 64bit at home and on a rented service from Exodus Hosting... sorry I don't know what OS they use.
Java Version: 7 on both
Description of Problem:
When batboxes are hooked up to water mills they do not charge. This happens a little more than %50 of the time. If you break and replace the batbox or the connecting cable several times, then eventually the batbox will start to charge.
Here is a video showing what is happening:
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