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Launcher is not even able to open.



Launcher Version: None! I can't even get it to work!

Operating System: Windows XP

Java Version: Latest

Antivirus Program: Avast!

Description of Problem:

Whenever I open a fresh version of the Technic Launcher, it comes up with a system error.

Error Messages:

The application failed to initalize properly (0xc0000135). Click on OK to terminate the application.

Error Log:

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I'm trying that now. If it dosen't work I may see if I can find some sort of workaround.

EDIT: So apparently Technic isn't the only thing that won't work right...

...Is it possible to run Tekkit without using the launcher?

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Also, have you bothered trying to redownload the launcher, or clearing out your appdata/roaming/.techniclauncher folder?

It never even got the chance to make that folder! Wait...

...Apparently I don't even have a Roaming folder!

Is that possibly the problem?

EDIT: And I've redownloaded many times.

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Are you using the launcher updater? (the one that's an .exe) I seem to recall having some trouble with that. But once you run it for the first time it should make a technic-launcher.jar in the Roaming folder (Or something. It definitely is a .jar though). Try running that as it doesn't run the updater, which in turn runs the jar.

Edit: You posted while I was typing.

Anyways, try making a Roaming folder. Maybe that will do it?

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Could it have something to do with the fact I haven't even installed the basic vanilla version?

Isn't it just appdata that's hidden by default? The folders inside it shouldn't be hidden.

And yeah, I don't even have the folder, plus it doesn't hide the Application Data (%appdata%) folder for me.

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This happened to me once and my %appdata% folders went byebyes or something try in the search/run bar in the window "%appdataroamingvis%

i know it kinda looks stupid but if your computer is up to date has mine it might because im able to make my roaming invisible and visble but i never realized till 2 weeks, give it ago

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It isn't there. And here's some more information (Bullettime comencing) :

  • System: Microsoft Windows XP Professional, Version 2002. SrvPk 3
  • Computer: Intel Core2 Duo CPU, 3.00 GHz, 3.50 GB of RAM

I will post more specs if possible.

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This happened to me once and my %appdata% folders went byebyes or something try in the search/run bar in the window "%appdataroamingvis%

i know it kinda looks stupid but if your computer is up to date has mine it might because im able to make my roaming invisible and visble but i never realized till 2 weeks, give it ago

Not working.

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That's what I'm afraid of.

What? you're afraid that if you look for the roaming folder, all your other programs will suddenly realize that it doesn't exist? It's a computer, not an experiment in quantum mechanics.

Schroedingers Folder: until you look for it, it is both causing bugs and not causing bugs.

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