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I dunno if you are bashing me, but I was not defending him, I was saying as a person with a LD (Dyslexia as a main one) I dont see how the op could post so poorly and claim its an LD, as for your position, untill you have dealt with a LD yourself, not just known freinds that have it, then don't bash people who have one. I have learned to overcome mine for the most part to make my point clearly in a post, but I do have issues in spelling even the simplest words sometimes w/out even realizing it, or mixing up numbers and forgetting things quickly that I try to remember. Until you have walked in the persons shoes, don't judge them. When I was growing up they didn't really know what Dyslexia was or how to deal with it and as I got older it became harder to change, now I'm prob older then allot on this forum, not some young kid that can find help at school b/c school is LONG behind me.

I have a learning disability. No sympathy.

Also, pretty sure he wasn't bashing you. Don't report moderators without a very very good reason.

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